Hundreds attend Elks

18 years ago

Assisted by perfect weather, the Presque Isle Elks’ second annual July 4th Community Celebration drew hundreds of people to the Presque Isle Riverside Park. With a warm, sunny sky as their backdrop, scores of volunteers from the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Lodge 1954 served over 500 hamburgers, 750 hotdogs, 1,000 beverages, 100 dishes of ice cream and watermelons, all free of charge, to the July 4th  celebration attendees.
   In addition to the free food, the Elks awarded over 100 prizes to children entering various games and competitions organized by the Elks for the children. The Elks-sponsored event also provided rides in a horse-drawn wagon driven by Chad Putnam of Mapleton to over 250 adults and youngsters. Similar numbers of people enjoyed rides in a military Hum-Vee from the Maine Military Authority and boat rides on the Presque Isle stream in a boat provided by Hardings Law Offices.
Elks member Tracy Ellis spent most of July 4th ‘dunked’ as he manned the Elks’ dunking booth and agitated celebration attendees while he was in a very cute dress.
Presque Isle Fire Department Deputy Chief Gerald Cousins and firemen Scott Cyr, Dale Morrison and Scott Michaud wowed the celebration attendees with a mock water rescue in the Presque Isle Stream.
Thirty-two antique and classic automobiles and pickup trucks lined Riverside Avenue in Presque Isle throughout the celebration, providing participants with an opportunity to reflect upon driving experiences of the past and to appreciate the craftsmanship of the owners who brought these old vehicles back to near-original condition. Michael Cowett organized this event for the second year. John Jalbert of Chapman won the People’s Choice Award for his 1940 Ford hotrod. Randy Trask’s 1968 GTO and Galen Good’s 1957 Chevy tied for the Participants’ Choice Award.
Commenting upon the Elk’s well-attended event, Elks’ Exalted Ruler Linda Allen stated, “It was truly gratifying to see the hugely favorable public response to this Elks’ annual event. It was particularly gratifying to know that most of the event attendees would not have been able to participate in a July 4th event if the Elks had not sponsored its free community celebration. The large number of Elks who gave up their time on July 4th to put on this totally free event for such a huge turnout of people truly exemplified the Elks’ motto, ‘Elks care. Elks Share,’” Allen added.
Allen gave special recognition to Elks members Dana and Mary Dickinson for their tireless efforts in putting together this popular event for the second year. Mary and Dana and their ‘staff’ worked tirelessly to make the day fun for all.
According to Allen, plans are already under way for an even bigger and better third annual Elks July 4th Community Celebration to be held at Riverside Park in 2008.