Nadeau Lake project now under way in FF

17 years ago

The restoration of Nadeau Lake in Fort Fairfield, took a step forward this week as Davis and Northrup Contracting broke ground near the outlet of what was formerly a Great Pond.         In 1971 this Aroostook County lake was drained so that a mining company could extract marl, a natural substance that would later be used as a liming agent for the region’s agriculture industry. During the next 30 years, severe environmental disturbance occurred at the former lake and its outlet to Limestone Stream.
A small lake that had a large wetland complex surrounding it, reportedly had large brook trout and no other species of fish. As the outlet was deepened by as much as 12 feet, brown bullhead, white sucker and several minnow species gained access to the few, small remnant ponds. Later, smallmouth bass invaded the Limestone Stream drainage after being illegally stocked at Durepo Lake in Limestone.
The work currently in progress involves a water control structure that will restore the historic water level of the lake and block upstream movement of all fishes. This management step will allow a reclamation of the pools that currently exist at the site that will remove all fish species. The final step in the restoration process will involve the reestablishment of brook trout using fish from a nearby wild source.
During the past seven years, several state agencies, conservation groups and private corporations have participated in the restoration of Nadeau Lake. Significant habitat improvements for brook trout have been accomplished during this time. Maine Council of Trout Unlimited, The Trout and Salmon Foundation (Chicago, IL), and McGillan, Inc. of Fort Fairfield are a few who have provided volunteer and monetary support to achieve these improvements.
In the end, the angling public will have permanent, guaranteed access to a good sport fishery for wild brook trout.

This report was provided by Frank Frost, Regional Fisheries Biologist, Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Department.