Star City Seniors enjoy picnic at VFW

17 years ago

The Star City Seniors met at the VFW for a picnic at the club.
Vice President Donna Devoe called the meeting together by blessing the food and thanking all the 29 members for being there, we had lots of salads, strawberry shortcakes, hamburgers and hotdogs and watermelon.
    Everybody had a good get-together.
President Betty Wilson made a statement that June 21, therewould be a bake sale, so everyone was asked to get goodies all cooked up — cookies, pies, breads and brownies.
The Star City Seniors met at the V.F.W. on June 21.
The table blessing was said by Delores Brown, after which we had a beautiful potluck luncheon.
President – Betty Wilson called the meeting together with the “Lord’s Prayer” and flag salute and one verse of “America.”
All the sick members were mentioned: Wilma McGraft, Marie Lamb, and Granville Lamb.
The secretary’s report was given by Delores Brown and given a motion to accept by a showing of hands.
The club planned to play Bingo at the next meeting. Bring something.
Treasurer Jean Easler’s report was given with a motion to accept and accepted by a showing of hands.
A motion was made to do the bake auction.
Then, the meeting was adjourned.
Celebrating birthdays: Ervin Brown, Clinton Warren, Delores Brown, Nancy Young and Joan McLellan. Celebrating an anniversary: Charlie and Delores Brown.
The Star City Seniors met at the V.F.W. with 30 members present.
We were very pleased to see everyone.
The blessing was said by Donna Devoe, after which we all had a potluck luncheon.
The meeting was opened with the “Lord’s Prayer,” flag salute and one verse of “America.” Our sick members are Marie Lamb and Granville Lamb. Our prayers go out to those we don’t even know about.
Secretary’s report – Delores Brown gave and it was accepted.
Treasurer – Jean Easler gave the report and it was accepted.
Our club meeting is still in progress; it has not been shut down for the summer as rumor has it.
There are still meetings each week, so please join us. The meeting of the club was adjourned for Bingo.
We’ll see all the folks next time.
Have a great week.