Survey reveals support for Highway North

18 years ago

To the editor:
Recently, we conducted our own survey throughout Maine’s largest municipalities to determine how we were perceived and where we stood with the termination of Highway-North to the St. John Valley. We were very optimistic with what our survey revealed. We never expected that the town and city managers in southern and central Maine to be so outspoken and supportive on this very important issue. We are now highly convinced, more than ever, that there are not “Two Maines.”
    Beginning with the town of Kittery and working our way up along Interstate 95 as far north as Bangor, there was clear consensus among all town and city managers, who represent the majority of their residents, that Highway North should be a priority project. When asked, “What do you think of the completion of Highway-North,” they responded with a unanimous voice that this highway should have been completed a long time ago. They also concur that our Transportation Department and Augusta bureaucrats do not have the right to treat the St. John Valley communities as second class citizens and that this delay has been a great injustice to our people. This seems to be the most popular opinion from our state’s reasonable citizens.
We regret to say that we see the strongest opposition to our highway development lies right here in Aroostook County. We can attribute this opposition to the controlling interests and greedy attitudes that exist despite the great majority of our well-intentioned citizens. We humbly ask all of you to get together and stand firmly behind our needed progress to enhance and strengthen our future. We ask for a change of hearts to end rivalry between our municipalities and divisions between neighbors.
Our first priority should be to support our local people. Good community spirit and involvement brings about many positive benefits to our families, our churches, our businesses, and our community infrastructures and development. As the old saying goes, “the best charities begin at home”. Then, let us support our County with an atmosphere of equality, respect and fairness to all. Last year, at our Highway Hearing in Frenchville, we were all unanimous on our goal for this highway project. When we do come together, we demonstrate our credibility, we work out solutions, and we can accomplish things.
Our conversational survey with most city managers provided us a genuine air of relief, a sense of compassion and a sense of what we can do right for our people. I am really impressed with the common agreement and constructive conversations we had. Everyone was so pleasant and enthusiastically encouraging. What a good feeling that is! I find it important to highlight that city managers of Saco, Waterville and Augusta are St. John Valley descendants. It is remarkable how well we do.
We will continue our highway crusade with truthfulness. It is essential for our security, our safety, for equal opportunity and prosperity, and for the future of our great families. The proposed highway is mostly a federal funded project and is highly supported by our federal congressional delegation. What tremendous investment this highway would be to our state. Let us make this our first County priority. We are part of this nation and we certainly deserve to be treated as such.

John F. Dionne
Grand Isle