In recent articles, we talked about the many things the Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee (PIDRC) has accomplished over the past year or so. Now we’d like to extend our thoughts to the future.
A few months ago, the PIDRC adopted a strategic plan. We had previously done a SWOT analysis (an analysis of Presque Isle’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), and had created mission and vision statements, and we based our strategic plan on that information.
The three general goals that we defined in our strategic plan are to:
• Make downtown Presque Isle more aesthetically pleasing.
• Help increase the social and economic vitality of Main Street.
• Maintain the energy and continuity for downtown revitalization.
But, to accomplish these goals, it is essential that we work in close partnership with the City of Presque Isle, as well as the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses. In keeping with that belief, many members of the PIDRC attended the Presque Isle City Council meeting Monday, July 9 to report to them what we’ve done during the past year and to thank them for all their support.
We then invited them to “join in our vision and make the commitment to assist us, or even better, to lead us, in the direction of implementing our goals and vision.” We asked that they meet with us in an informal workshop session so that, together, we could create a common vision and strategies to implement that vision.
The city council members were very positive about the work we’ve done and, as a result, are eager to continue to work with us. We will be meeting together Aug. 6 at 4:30 p.m. to formulate future common goals. With this partnership, we know that the revitalization of our Main Street will become a reality.
It’s important to remember that revitalization is a process. It will, by necessity, have to unravel gradually. As we go, we will also have to make plans for the distant future for the maintenance of the downtown. By doing that, we can help ensure that the Main Street will be strong and vital for many decades. Picture what Main Street could be like five years from now? Ten years? Exciting, isn’t it?
One of our committee members, Patty LeBlanc, clearly explained our basic goal to the city council in this way. She stated that, “Much more needs to be accomplished before economic viability and activity will once again make Presque Isle’s downtown the Hub of the County. Together with the City of Presque Isle, the Chamber of Commerce, civic groups, local businesses, and concerned citizens, we can and will create a partnership to pursue the community vision and the implementing of that vision for our city.”
“We must create a distinctive, clean, and inviting Main Street with a dynamic focal point for current and future generations … where people can enjoy working, shopping, and recreation at any age. We need to blend the small town atmosphere with the urban sprawl, so all can enjoy a lifestyle of core conveniences, characterized by quality neighborhoods, vibrant businesses, and outstanding recreational opportunities,” LeBlanc said.
We are noticing many changes already … the Braden Theater, a new women’s clothing store, and the possibility of a new restaurant in the center of town. There are several other properties available for rent on Main Street, and hopefully they will be filled soon, as well. In working together with our partners, we will not only bring new businesses to the downtown, but strengthen the existing businesses, as well.
Homework time: We would like to have your input. There are three questions we would like to have your opinions on:
• What are the most important things that could happen downtown?
• What are some of the obstacles to improving our downtown?
• How can we work more closely together as a community to attain these goals?
Please e-mail your answers to us at, or write to us at the address listed below. Remember, this is your community, too.
You can get more information about the PIDRC or join us by calling Sandy Gauvin (764-0876), Cathy Beaulieu at Wilder’s Jewelry Store (764-0309), or Patty LeBlanc (769-7731), or you can contact us through the information listed below. We meet at the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce on the Houlton Road at 7:30 a.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month. We invite you to join in our efforts to help our wonderful city.
Please write us with your thoughts and opinions. It’s your city and we need your input. You can write us at: The Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee, 411 Main St., Presque Isle, Maine 04769, or you can e-mail us at
The Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee is an ad hoc committee of the Presque Isle City Council