Star City Seniors Club holds weekly meetings

17 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The Star City Seniors Club met Aug. 9 with 28 members and one guest. The blessing was said by Donna Devoe, after which we enjoyed a wonderful potluck luncheon.
The meeting was called to order by President Betty Wilson with the Lord’s Prayer, flag salute, and one verse of “America.”     Secretary report by Delores Brown was given and accepted.
Treasurer report by Jean Easler was given and accepted.
We still have sick members out: Marie and Granville Lamb, Bea Wasson, and Walter Gramor.
Betty Wilson asked that more members bring a casserole instead of so many sweets as we are getting more sweets than dishes of food.
Thank you all for coming. See you all next week.
Meeting adjourned.
The Star City Seniors Club met at the VFW Aug. 16 with 23 members. Sick member out are Marie and Granville Lamb, Bea Wasson, Walter Gramor. So remember them in prayer.
The blessing was said by Delores Brown, after which we had a potluck luncheon.
The meeting was opened by President Betty Wilson, with the Lord’s Prayer, flag salute, and one verse of “America.”
The secretary report was given and accepted with showing of hands.
The treasurer report by Jean Easler was read and accepted by showing of hands.
We would like to have more seniors come and join us at our meetings. Dinner is served at noon, we have entertaining singers, Bingo and auctions. So come one and all and the more the merrier. Meeting adjourned.
August birthdays include Audrey Richards, Marian Shaw, Peggy Tuttle, Ethel Giles, Anita Cote, Donna Devoe, Preston Johnson, and Calvin Tuttle. Anniversaries include Phil and Barb Buchanan.