Star City Seniors Club meets

17 years ago

  PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The Star City Seniors Club met Aug. 30 at the VFW with 24 members and one guest. Our table blessing was said by Delores Brown, after which we all enjoyed a beautiful potluck luncheon.     The meeting was opened by President Betty Wilson, with the Lord’s Prayer, flag salute, and one verse of “America.”
Our sick members are Marie and Granville Lamb. We miss you both so much. Hope when you folks read this, you’ll know how much we do love and miss you. Our other sick members are Walter Gramor, Ethel Giles, Delores Michaud, and Kempton McManus. We miss all you folks also very much. Hope you will all be joining us real soon. We are praying for all of you. We had one guest, Dianne Michaud, Irene Whittaker’s granddaughter.
Secretary report given by Delores Brown was accepted by a showing of hands.
Treasurer report by Jean Easler was given and accepted by showing of hands.
Meeting at the snowmobile club Sept. 14. Register from 9:30-10 a.m. Dinner is $4. Also, we have an afghan raffle. Tickets are 5 for $5 or $1 each.
The meeting was adjourned to play Bingo.