PRESQUE ISLE – Maine Centers for Women, Work, and Community will offer an introductory training on developing entrepreneurial skills and planning for business success Wednesday, April 16 from 2-5 p.m. at Northern Maine Community College. Erica Quin-Easter, microenterprise coordinator for Maine Centers for Women, Work, and Community in Aroostook County, said, “Especially during uncertain economic times, self-employment provides an important source of income for many entrepreneurs in Maine. Sound business planning improves your chances for success and makes your business more competitive in today’s challenging economic climate.”
The Introduction to Self-Employment workshop is open to women, men, and all entrepreneurs who are considering starting a business. Business owners who want a refresher on writing a business plan, marketing and market research, and financial cash flow planning are also welcome to attend. Pre-registration is required by April 14, and there is no fee for the workshop.
For more information or to register for the workshop, contact Quin-Easter at Women, Work & Community at (207) 764-0050 or