Wednesday, March 26
6:52 a.m. River Road — Theft — Caller reported her vehicle had been broken into during the night and advised she had heard the dogs barking around 2:30 a.m. Both vehicles were locked. Missing were a detachable CD faceplate, Audiovox DVD player with remote screen, 10 DVDs, approximately 100 CDs in a black briefcase style carrier, a Tom-Tom-Mod/One GPS, a Scott’s-1526NT-Boss plow remote control, a PPE auto programmer, and a small green toolbox containing carious Snap-On hand tools, all engraved with “SK”.
Action — Officer determined entry was gained by sticking something in from the top of the doors. The dash was torn off in attempt to get to the stereo and the driver’s side mirror was damaged. Due to recent snow fall and wind there were no visible footprints. Police will watch pawnshops for items taken.
11:35 p.m. Van Buren Road — Motor Vehicle Complaint — Caller reported there was a vehicle on its side in the middle of the road at the intersection of Rt.1 and the Belanger Rd.
Action — Officer charged operator of vehicle with OUI.
Thursday, March 27
11:23 a.m. West Presque Isle Road — Caller advised police of a snowplow going by her residence, throwing slush and ice chunks on her vehicle. Caller requested an officer to take pictures.
Action — Officer checked with caller to see if there was any damage and how close to the road she was parked.
7:33 p.m. High Street — Theft — An employee from a local business advised police of a female caught shoplifting liquor. Subject had previously banned from store for writing bad checks. Caller also informed police of a second female with subject that was aiding her by blocking anyone from seeing the merchandise being taken.
Action — Officer transported female shoplifter to the police department. Subject was charged with theft, criminal trespass and violation of condition of release. Second female subject was charged with theft. All item were recovered.
Friday, March 28
9:55 a.m. Grove Street — Harassment — A male requested a report be made by police that he was being harassed by other residents in the apartment building. Individual complained of other tenants drinking and using foul language while sitting on the steps, causing him to be unable to pass; stated he did not want any contact with other residents.
Action — Officer advised male it is difficult to not run into other tenants in an apartment house, but if the harassment persisted, he should then seek a protection from harassment order from the court.
11 a.m. Water Street — Theft — Individual from a local business reported an employee had taken at least twoif not four inspection stickers. Employee was fired immediately.
Action — Police determined one sticker had been used on a vehicle that did not meet inspection; another department was handling this matter. Caribou police will deal with the theft complaint. Subject was charged with theft and as a fugitive from justice (Ohio).
Monday, March 31
12:30 p.m. Lyndon Street — Found Property — An individual advised police that while walking home from a local business a bank bag with keys in it was discovered. Requested police retrieve the item.
Action — Officer picked up item and notified owner.
Tuesday, April 1
3 p.m. Glenn Street — Juvenile Complaint — A female caller from a school reported seeing a group of juveniles smoking near the skating rink.
Action — Officer checked the area but was unable to locate anyone smoking. He did however, speak to two juveniles who were in the area.
Wednesday, April 2
12:40 p.m. High Street — Theft— Caller reported while at a local business the day before, his medication had been taken from his vehicle.