To the editor:
I appreciate the candor and eloquently expressed thoughts of Superintendent Roger Shaw in “Northern Maine? Really!” that appeared in the Viewpoint section of the March 26 edition of The Star-Herald. It is encouraging that someone in his position is willing to honestly express his opinion. The lesson that a part truth is a deception is one that needs to be learned by most politicians and government agencies. It should be noted that there are many in the central Maine area that are going through similar struggles to the schools in the County and are much less than “lukewarm” to consolidation. It seems that in the rush to “save money” the baby is being thrown out with the bath water.
Unfortunately, the media in many cases does seem to aid the perpetuation of part truths which inevitably results in “choosing up sides” rather than useful cooperation and discussion. The last statement in Mr. Shaw’s article is to the point and the heart of the matter. The Department of Education works for the citizens of Maine and not the other way around. Comments that are pushing an agenda help no one in the long term. Again, thank you Mr. Shaw for teaching a lesson that we all should know.