The commissioner of the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, John Richardson met with local officials of Van Buren last week to announce a $10,000 planning grant for wastewater treatment study from the Office of Community Development. “This grant is very timely given the challenges the region has faced this spring,” said Richardson. “Community development, such as the study this grant will fund, is critical to the economic growth of northern Maine. Vibrant and healthy communities are at the heart of Maine’s economic engine. The hard work of Community Development Director Dan LaPointe and Van Buren Town Manager Randy Cannon should be commended.”
The collaboration of DECD and Van Buren has resulted in low-income housing rehabilitation, $300,000 to the Northern Aroostook Alternatives Building as well as $40,000 to purchase a van to transport disabled clients to support facilities. Since 2004, Van Buren has successfully competed for $2.3 million of Community Development Block Grants monies and last week at the Maine Downtown Center Conference in Biddeford, Van Buren was touted as an example of community development success in rural Maine.
On Friday, June 6, at the Maine Downtown Centers Conference, Richardson announced DECD’s two-year commitment of $150,000 per year to the Maine Downtown Center program to help existing and emerging downtown centers. He urged other communities across the state to follow Van Buren’s lead.