Staff Writer
The Caribou ATV Club will be holding a membership meeting and hot dog roast on Thursday, July 17 at 6:30 p.m. at Red’s Motorsports on outer Sweden Street. The membership roast will include hotdogs, baked beans, chips, soda, salads and dessert. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Caribou group is still selling Lobster Raffle tickets. The first prize is to be 20 pounds of cooked and cracked lobster, with delivery by Labor Day. Second prize is a $50 gas card, third prize is five ultimate car washes at Custom Car Wash and the fourth prize is a homemade blanket donated by club member Nancy Bosse.
The winning tickets will be drawn August 24th during the Chicken Barbecue picnic to be held at the North Caribou Community Park. Tickets may be purchased from any Caribou ATV club member or from Bobbi Jo Hanley at 498-8307.
Other meeting items discussed and announced included:
• Regarding the Lagassse Connector Trail: No Trespassing signs will stay in place until liability and safety issues are resolved and the trail is signed. Signs are located at Broadway and Limestone streets, lower Lyndon Street and at the railroad trestle crossing Route 89. The Caribou ATV Club Trailmaster advises anyone riding an ATV on the following trails will be summons.
• The first section of the Caribou Stream wharf bridge is complete and can be seen at the Caribou Parks and Recreation Department storage building by the Caribou Public Works garage. The second section of the bridge has been started by primary welder Brian Duncan.Poles have been cut to lower the ramp to ground level and the Patten and Fort Street Bridge. Planks for the side wall are scheduled to be put in place in July.
• Regarding the railroad trestle crossing on Route 89; pipes for chain link fencing are in place; the fencings needs to be installed and eight telephone poles need to be placed at entrances for protection of ATV riders.
• Regarding the public hearing held by the Caribou City Council, June 23rd: A unanimous “yes” vote was received for ATV access on public ways for Water Street and Broadway intersection, at Armco Avenue to South Main Street.
• Regarding the Water Street to Dead River Food Trend area; this has been cleared and leveled but riders are asked not to ride on this area until it has been signed.
Trailmaster Lagasse encourages any interested volunteers to call him at 227-3918 or be at the Caribou Parks and Rec. Dept. storage building located near the Caribou Public Works Dept. on Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. to find out what work is scheduled. Volunteers are needed to finish the trail work and to put up signs. Help is crucial to complete this trail for the 2008 ATV riding season.
For more information or to join the Caribou ATV Club, contact John Morrill at 498-6658, Robert Cyr at 492-4247 or Trailmaster Lagasse.