Happy Losers
The Happy Losers meeting was held Aug 6th at the Congregational Church vestry. We always open with our ups and downs exercise that everyone likes.
We had eleven members weigh-in and eleven attended our meeting. Loretta Bouchard was the person who lost the most weight for the week, and runners-up were Jeanne Watson and Gloria Long. Great job ladies .
Our secretary and treasurer gave their reports for the week. Our leader Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. Her topic was on 12 tips on drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Meetings are always interesting. Please feel welcome to our group. Every Wed weigh-ins from7:30am to 8:45am and meeting starts at 9:00am. Please call 365-4884 for more information.
Lois Downing
Sunday again and I’m looking for rain. If the rain doesn’t come, maybe the sun will shine! We’ll see what the weatherman brings.
On Thursday afternoon of last week, we had some entertainment in the community room. Paul Armstrong, first floor tenant, his grandson Shane Mack, Irvine Grant and Colleen Grant, Paul’s son-in-law and daughter, Richard and Maureen McGlaughlin and Ron Suitter played guitars and sang for us. Some of the numbers were religious and some were well known, like “Goodnight Irene.” The religious one was
“Soon, Loving Jesus, in All His Glory,” was sung by all the group. Charlene Henderson served punch and cookies and we all had a great time. The singing and playing are heard in other places and we invited them back for another concert. Thank you, Paul and family.
Did anyone find why the electricity was off on Thursday for approximately an hour and a half. I was doing laundry but some were caught without their meal. Aren’t we blessed to have power all the time! Some countries don’t!
Doris Hogan’s sister, Helen Nealey and Helen’s son Michael were visiting Doris for a week. They were from Beverly, MA.
Peggy Robinson arrived home Tuesday evening after making a trip to Florida to visit her son. We missed you, Peggy.
Monday we learned that Irene Harrington fell while delivering Meals on Wheels. Irene broke her kneecap and hurt her arm/wrist. Now, Irene you didn’t need that! We are sorry and know you are receiving help from daughter Pamela, a lovely lady. We all wish you well.
A note of activity from Elinor Schenk. Elinor was at her cottage on Mattawamkeag Lake at Island Falls with older son, Billy, from New York. Billy’s wife Carol accompanied them and they stayed three weeks. Elinor was there with them. Before that vacation Elinor stayed with son Allen and wife Jeannie Schenk from Island Falls. Elinor loves being at camp. Billy and Carol’s cat Murphy was with them and Elinor enjoyed that as her cat died two weeks previously. Elinor also stayed at Billy’s camp before the gang arrived with her son-in-law and daughter, Bob and Jeri Smith from Houlton. I must add that Titus, 8 years old, was present. He and his family are from Singers Glen, Virginia.
Have you been watching the Olympic games from China? Isn’t it wonderful to sit and observe what is going on at the other ends of the earth?
Are you cucumbers doing well? Cucumbers yes, but not a good year for tomatoes, I’m told. Tomatoes are one of my favorite vegetables.
Topics on nutrition and eating plus menus will be the subjects of Linda Trickey’s talk in the community room Wednesday, August 20 at 10 a.m. Linda works for the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and it will be a good program, as I will heard it. We all can learn something–for those out there who think they have heard everything.
Janice Harrigan, formerly of High Street and now a tenant at the Highlands, is enjoying her family at camp. One daughter was with her the other day, Kathy (Cathy) from New Hampshire.
My words for today are taken from John 15:19: “…I have chosen you out of the world…”
Have a wonderful week.
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233 of Houlton, met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, August 8 meeting.
Thirteen TOPS and six KOPS were in attendance. Barbara Troy was the official greeter.
Joyce Estey, leader, opened the meeting with roll call. Denise Kinney gave the weight recorder’s message and Vicki Little read the minutes of the previous meeting.
It was a good weight loss week for the chapter. Losers of the week were Elinor Harvey, and Vicki Little. Aileen Smith was runner-up.
The mystery gift was won by Margaret Dudley; the skinny dish by Gerry McAfee and the 50/50 was won by a TOPS member.
Barbara Troy led us in several minutes of exercise. The exercises are looked forward by several of the members each week.
Denise Kinney told us that the hat contest is going very well; three weeks are left on the contest. Joyce distributed papers on the telephone committee, instituted by the chapter the week before.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to both Charlotte Marley and Brenda Lacostic.
The topic of the Joyce’s message to us this week was “sabotaging” and trying to lose weight. We learned how to engage and respond to those who are commenting on our weight gain and losses. A little program was used to show possibilities in answering and questioning those who comment about our weight and how we look. The program was well received.
The next meeting will be August 15 at the same location. The meeting starts at 9 o’clock after the weigh-in at 8-8:45 a.m.
If you need more information about the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Everyone is welcome.
The Red Hat Society
by Barbara Grant
The Border Belles chapter will meet for their monthly luncheon gathering at TASTE OF CHINA, upper Military Street, at 11:30 on Thursday, August 14th. For dessert the group will depart to TOOT SWEET to peruse their delectable treats. It has also been agreed to attend the “chick flick” MAMMA MIA that same day. The show starts at 7:30, but those wanting a lunch before should gather at ZIPPYS for hot dogs at 6:30 p.m.