VMSUS to offer Prometric testing

16 years ago

    CARIBOU – Virtual Managed Solutions, LLC. (also known as VMSUS) has announced its collaboration with Prometric, the leading global provider of technology-enabled testing and assessment services. VMSUS will be offering Prometric testing and certifications for Information Technology arenas here in northern Maine.     Prometric, the leader in IT certification offers more than 1 million exams per year, for clients like Oracle, Microsoft, Citrix, and IBM. Prior to this collaboration, the closest sites available for Prometric IT testing were located in Fairfield and Fredericton, N.B.
    VMSUS officials anticipate attracting students from local colleges and universities, including Northern Maine Community College, the University of Maine at Presque Isle, and the University of Maine at Fort Kent who are looking to follow up degree programs with certification in information technology. Local professionals and students will be able to complete the exams needed for certification in Microsoft and CompTIA at the VMSUS office located in Caribou. This certification will validate the latest skills needed by today’s computer support professionals.
    C.B. Smith, CEO of VMSUS, said the company is very excited about the collaboration. “We believe this is truly a value-added service for our company, for local students, and for IT professionals working to advance their qualifications,” said Smith. “The ability to receive certification so close to home will be a great advantage for local IT professionals.”
    VMSUS is a managed services company which offers remote PC or network repair for business and home-based clients. They also provide full data center support services for businesses around the country. These data center services include; server and application hosting, Web and e-mail hosting and back up / disaster recovery solutions.
    The data center located in Presque Isle and operated by Pioneer Broadband is the only data center in Maine that has a privately owned connection to the Canadian infrastructure. This makes it possible for VMSUS to offer 99.999 percent uptime in this internationally redundant data center. VMSUS also has a call center operation that provides technical support to software development companies in the U.S.
    VMSUS will operate the Prometric testing center at its business and training center located at 52 Sweden St. in Caribou. The testing center will be fully operational Sept. 9. To schedule testing, clients should visit Prometric.com.