By Doris DeRespino
The Patten Woman’s Club met Tuesday, Dec. 16 at Terry Pettengill’s house. The members voted to stay in the Federated Women’s Club. The winning tickets for our raffle were: Claude Ouellette, the tree with $100 on it, Alicia McNally, the $50 gift certificate from Ellis’ Market, Carolyn Ryan, the $50 certificate from Dead River Oil. The members enjoyed refreshments and a Yankee Swap.
Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides
The Happy Losers meeting was held Dec.17 at the Congregational Church in Island Falls. We opened with our pledge and dreaded roll call. We had nine ladies weigh-in and eight attended our meeting. Dotty Rand was the loser of the week and no runner-up.
Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. Jackie Pratt led the program for the week. We had a quiz on music trivia, which was interesting. The Purple Team is the winner of our contest.
We had our Christmas Party Dec. 10 at the Brookside Restaurant. Those attending were, Jackie Pratt, Dotty Rand, Loretta Bouchard, Mary Shaw, Joanie Sides, Winnie Desmond, Riva Hawkes, Gladys Corneil, and Shirley Sides.
Our members made a donation to the food pantry.
Please feel welcome to come to our ladies group every Wed. 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Weigh-ins and meetings start at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Dec. 19 meeting.
Nine TOPS ladies and six KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) came to the meeting and were weighed in.
The official greeter was Joanne Scott. Joyce Estey was present to greet members, also. Joyce read letters and Christmas cards from Janice Cote, our representative and from Paulette Soliere.
Joanne Scott and Denise Kinney read reports.
Melva Folsom won the skinny dish and Janette Nelson won the mystery gift.
Joyce reported that we have already walked to Florida and have 234 miles in walking home.
Denise, in charge of contests, passed out beads for the new contest, named “Beads.” She also passed out actions to do.
It was agreed that we would have our Christmas dinner that was cancelled because of bad weather Jan. 9 at the Smoki Haulers Snowmobile Clubhouse in Oakfield. We are to bring a small gift less than $1 in value.
There will be no meeting after Christmas.
Denise also gave us a time capsule to take home and fill out and bring back next week.
Gifts for the Salvation Army were brought and sent to them for distribution at Christmas.
Weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m. every Friday, unless specified. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 10 o’clock.
For more information on the chapter, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.
Patten Senior Citizens meet
Submitted by, Mary Lawler, secretary
Patten Senior Citizens held its Christmas Party on December 16 at Meadowbrook Manor with 10 members present.
The prayer before the potluck meal was given by Annie Lord. After the meal the business meeting was opened with the Flag Salute, led by President Jackie Palmer.
A Christmas reading was given by Jackie Palmer. Cards were signed and sent to Cathy Lafelche, Pat Coolong, Dolores Dunn and Sally Drew. Christmas cards were also signed for nursing home patients and shut-ins.
The birthday cake was made by Nettie Shorey. Donations for the month of December was sent to Santa’s Helper Fund. There will be no meeting for the months of January and February.
Members present were: Gloria Noyes, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Rubenia Botting, Jeann Tarr, Pearl Grant, Nettie Shorey, Annette Noyes, Mary Lawler and Annie Lord.
Madigan residents go to the movies
Temple Theater opened their doors for a private matinee of Miracle of 34th Street. Thirty-one residents of Madigan health care facility and Madigan assisted living apartments enjoyed this Christmas classic. The residents were thrilled to have this experience and many commented that they have not been to a movie theater in years.
Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Now is the time to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May your holidays be filled with love, joy and peace.
Sonny Muncey, a former tenant here, was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chasse one day last week.
Russell Socoby, a tenant from the third floor, is a patient at a local hospital. We wish him well.
We had a very nice Christmas party on Thursday. We had a delicious meal with shrimp stew! Boy, was that good! We had Jimmy Hogan playing Christmas carols and we enjoyed that. Then an exchange of gifts was in order. We all had a good time and we thank the staff for bringing this to us.
Florence Hanson has been expecting company from Las Vegas, but they were detained because of the snowstorm. Hopefully they will arrive safe and sound.
We have Christmas cards on the bulletin board from Irene, our former Meals on Wheels manager. Thank you Irene and have a nice Christmas, too.
Priscilla Brownlow is a patient at a Presque Isle hospital at the time of this writing. Get better, Priscilla, we miss you!
Vernonica Chapman with her daughter visited her mother, Marion Hogan, on Saturday. Vernonica lives in the Bangor area.
May the joys of Christmas be with you all throughout the year!