FFA members party with seniors

16 years ago

Valentine’s celebration
    The Easton Happy Days Senior Citizens’ Club held a fun day to celebrate Valentine’s Day, on the first meeting of the month of February. They invited the Easton Future Farmers of America to join them for lunch and dancing afterward.

    Fifteen FFA members attended along with their advisor, Kevin Marquis, the music teacher, Mrs. Kinsey, and the phys ed teacher, Mr. Graves. Marquis brought baked potatoes, sour cream, punch and homemade chili which he made himself. Club members brought a potluck assortment with cupcakes and a Valentine’s cake. What a feed!  
    After lunch, Club member Lindy Fowler got the group together to enjoy some of the older dances done by Club members some years ago, such as the Bunny Hop, the Put Your Right Foot In and the Chicken Dance, while the young people made up some dances of their own. Three of the Club members, Lindy, Ezalee Smith and Rena Richardson, danced along with them while the rest, Joanne Johnson, Marie Hewitt, Glenice Craig, Rowena Thomas and Eldora Carter, sat on the sidelines enjoying the show. Needless to say, a good time was had by all.  
    This has been done for the past few years and everyone is looking forward to next year’s Valentine dance. There was not an official meeting this day but on the next meeting on Feb. 26, there will be a  guest speaker.
Students honored
    Our boys may have lost out in going to the tournament but just look at what they and the ladies of Easton Jr./Sr. High School have done in their studies. We congratulate these young people for being on the Honor Role for the second quarter: Highest Honors – Katrina Martin, Samuel Bacon, Bradley Trask and Kilynne Beaulieu; High Honors – Sean Daniels and Jessica Monson; Honors – Megan Bradley and Steven Straight.  Juniors: Highest Honors – Lisa Dayringer, Kaitlin Bennett, Luke Fuller and Corey White; High Honors – Luke Budreau and Nicholas Ambrose; Honors – Anna Sherwood, Bryan Youn, and Zackari Bourgeois. Sophomores: Highest Honors – Sydney Trask and Jacob Bacon; High Honors – Samantha Fuller and Zachary Clark; Honors – Katie Cyr. Freshmen: Highest Honors – Holden Turner, Jonah Bacon, Meghan Frank, Ariana Babineau, Amanda Dayringer and Danielle Dudley; High Honors – Jessica Bennett, Abigail Poole and Reid Clark.
    Elizabeth Martin left several days ago to spend 6 weeks in Florida, visiting with her cousin, Mary Kukkelo, in Zepher Hills.  We envy her the tempature there.
The Universe of Dr. Einstein
    On Saturday, March 7, at 7 p.m. (8 p.m. Atlantic), the Francis Malcolm Planetarium proudly presents “The Universe of Dr. Einstein” in honor of the 130th birthday of, arguably, the greatest scientist who ever lived. Yet in spite of his great popularity and legendary halo of white hair, most know relatively little about both Einstein and his times. Come explore the wonder and science of special and general relativity as well as better understand the global forces and circumstances molding the life of this unusually gifted and talented Jewish personality. For reservations and more information, call 488-5451 today!
Moonlight Snowshoe Hike
    The Francis Malcolm Science Center invites you to join us for a Moonlight Snowshoe Hike through our beautiful woods on Saturday, March 14, at 6 p.m. Please reserve your spot today by calling 488-5451. We have snowshoes of all sizes available for rental at $2 per pair if you do not bring your own. There is a $2 fee per person to attend this event. We look forward to hearing from you!

    Eldora Carter is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached at 488-5961. 


ImagePhoto courtesy of Eldora Carter
    EASTON JR./ SR. HIGH School has posted the Student of the Month for both November and December. For the high school the November pick was, Anna Sherwood, on the left and December's pick was Lisa Dayringer. Both girls are from the Junior Class.



Photo courtesy of Eldora CarteImager
    FFA MEMBER SAM BACON shows his stuff and dares anyone else to try it during a Valentine’s dance at West Ridge Manor. There were no takers.



ImagePhoto courtesy of Eldora Carter
    SENIOR CITIZENS Rena Richardson and Ezalee Smith join the FFA members in one of the dances during their visit to the Happy Days Club’s Feb. 12th meeting. Rena is the Club's oldest member but still likes to dance.



Photo courtesy of Eldora CarterImage
    THE STUDENT OF THE MONTH for November and December from the Junior High of Easton Jr./Sr. High School are, on the left, December's pick is Haley Ambrose from the 7th grade and Allie Dusza is the November pick from the 8th grade.