Rehearsals begin

16 years ago

    CARIBOU — The Caribou Choral Society will begin rehearsals for its 33rd annual spring concerts on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m., at the Mormon Church recreation room, 67 Paris Snow Drive. All area residents interested in singing advanced four-part music are cordially invited to join this large community chorus. Dues are $12 to help defray costs of new sheet music. Concerts are scheduled for May 9, at 7:30 p.m., at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Caribou; and May 10, at 3 p.m., at St. Mary’s Church in Presque Isle.     The spring concerts will help celebrate Caribou and Presque Isle’s Sesquicentennial celebrations with a program entitled “150 Years – Our Musical Heritage.” Starting with “Beautiful Dreamer”  and other popular songs from the 1800s, the program will continue with turn-of-the-century hits like “Hello My Baby.” Many 20th century favorites will include songs like  “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Twenty-first century music will be represented by “And All That Jazz” from Broadway’s “Chicago,” and the program will end with a stirring “Armed Forces Salute.”
    The chorus is conducted by Dan Ladner, with Mari-Jo Hedman as accompanist. FMI, call 764-1482.