Let the race begin!

16 years ago

    It was a great turnout with over 90 racers, parents, relatives and friends attending the 2009 Pinewood Derby for Ashland Cub Scout Pack 179. Held Saturday, Feb. 7, the race took place at the Mapleton Lions hall with Mapleton’s four-lane, computerized track being used. 

The leaders and Scouts of Ashland would like to express their sincere gratitude to Adam Rider and Dave Adams of Mapleton Cub Scout Pack 170 for allowing Ashland to run on Mapleton’s track and for contributing so much of their personal time and effort. It was a great event – in large part – because of both men and we thank them again for their generosity and kindness.
    Seventeen Ashland Scouts, grades 1-5, raced their cars for a total of eight heats each. The fastest time out of the eight heats determined the winner. In the end, there were two racers tied, Webelos II Scout Alex Gillis and Tiger Scout Graham Berry. Alex carefully lined up his “Silver Bullet” car and Graham his “Black Bomber” and readied for the tie-breaking race-off. After two trips down the track, Berry edged out Gillis for the win.
    Four racers will now continue on to the district race to be held at the Aroostook Centre Mall Saturday, March 7. They are: Graham Berry, first place; Alex Gillis, second place; Colt Ginn, third place; and Daniel Rafford, alternate.
    Participating in the 2009 Pinewood Derby were: (Grade One – Tiger Cubs) Lucien Hammond, Drew Doughty, Sean Montpetit, Weston Robinson, Graham Berry, Mitchell Cook, Colt Ginn and Hunter Ginn. (Grade Two – Wolves) Jesse Wortman, Dylan Haley and Daniel Wortman. (Grade Three – Bear Cub) Daniel Rafford. (Grade Four – Webelos I) Caleb Brown and Peng Cheng. (Grade Five – Webelos II) Alex Gillis, Tyler MacDonald and Jarrett Beaulier.
    Cub Scouts is a fun and educational forum for boys in grades 1-5. The purpose of scouting is to instill values consistent with character development, good citizenship and physical fitness, all while having fun! Family is the basis of scouting at every level, and boys are expected to “do their best” and to be helpful to others through various activities. If you have a son in grades 1-5 that would like to be in the Cub Scouts, please contact Ashland Cub Scout Master Michelle Beaulier at 435-8293. There is no set time to join and all are welcome.
ACS celebrates 100 days
of school
    On Friday, Feb. 6, students of Ashland Central celebrated 100 days of school. Teachers made learning extra fun that day by tailoring lessons to the “100” theme. Many of the children made 100-day hats and brought in collections of 100 “things.” Leading up to the celebration, the children had been collecting food items to benefit the local food pantry. On the 100th day, children in grades pre-kindergarten through 2 gathered together to count, out loud, the number of items that they had brought in. The students were very pleased to discover that their collection surpassed the 200 mark! Way to go kids!
    Also recognized on the 100th day were those students that had never been absent, left early or arrived late since the beginning of the school year. Those children included Sam Craig, Aldon Routhier, Jack Routhier, Gabe Page, Vannessa Rafford, Alexis Carney, Carter Saucier and Morgan Stevens.
Concert at Masardis church
    The concert, put on by the students of the Faith School of Theology of Charleston, was a joy to listen to. Most of the young adults spoke to the crowd and gave a testimony pertaining to the song that they were performing. All together, the students sang eight uplifting numbers much to the enjoyment of the audience in attendance. This was the second year that the choir has visited the church.
Kids Club
    Kids club will meet this Thursday, Feb. 19 at the Masardis Pentecostal Church. If your child needs a ride, please contact the Rev. or Mrs. Donald Morton at 435-6983. The group meets every other Thursday from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Portage Centennial news and updates
    Participants are needed for the Centennial Variety Show to be held at 6:30 p.m., Saturday, March 21 at the Portage Lake Town Hall. People of all ages, and from all communities are invited to participate. Those interested can sign up on posters around town, or call/e-mail Corrine Routhier at 435-6854 or arouthier@roadrunner.com. Be sure to include your name or group name, phone number and the talent you are to perform. Come on, we know there’s a lot of talent out there, so go and sign up. It will be lots of fun!
    There are 2009 Centennial calendars for sale at Ashland’s Diner, Dean’s, Coffin’s, Ashland One Stop, and the Portage Lake Town Hall. Centennial cookbooks can still be purchased at Dean’s and the Town Hall, as well.
    The schedule for the 2009 Portage Lake Centennial is available online at www.connectmaine/portage. Check out all the fun activities that the committee has been hard at work organizing. If you have any questions about these or any other Centennial items/topics, please contact Corrine Routhier at 435-6854 or e-mail arouthier@roadrunner.com.
Ongoing Events
    The Ashland Area Senior Citizens group meets every Thursday at noon at the Ashland Recreational Center. Any senior citizens wishing to participate in the potluck lunches and meetings are always welcome.
    The Portage Lake Seniors’ Lunch is held on the last Tuesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at the Town Hall. All individuals 50 and over are invited to attend and can bring a potluck dish to share. For more information, contact Wilza Robertson at 435-6211 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.
    The Red Hat Loonies of Portage Lake meet the second Thursday of every month at Dean’s Motor Lodge. Membership dues are $2. Come and have a great meal and a great time, too! For more information, contact Rachel Stevens at 435-6358.
    If you can help plan for Portage Lake’s 2009 Centennial Celebration, please contact Corrine Routhier at 435-6854. Your help is both needed and appreciated.
    There is an aerobics/exercise group meeting Monday and Thursday nights at the Portage Lake Municipal Building at 6:30 p.m. There is no cost for participants. Please contact Kim Holmes at 435-6043 for more information.
    (Julie Graham-Berry is the correspondent for Ashland, Portage Lake, Oxbow, Masardis, Garfield, Nashville Plantation and surrounding townships. She can be reached at 435-7137).


ImagePhoto courtesy of Julie Graham-Berry
    WINNERS OF THE 2009 Ashland Pinewood Derby are, from left: Graham Berry, first place; Alex Beaulier, second place; and Colt Ginn, third place.



Photo courtesy of Julie Graham-BerryImage
    ASHLAND CUB SCOUT MASTER Michelle Beaulier gives some initial instructions to the racers prior to the start of the Ashland Pinewood Derby.