Houlton Council of Catholic Women met April 5 in the parish center.
There were 25 ladies and Father Dave Raymond and Deacon Al Burleigh in attendance. Also present were Mary Armour, religious education leader and Debra Guiod with her children Gabby and Zach. Due to the time element we had our luncheon first before the usual prayers. The tables were decorated with Easter eggs and purple tablecloths.
Betty Ann Childers led the meeting and Ethel Mersereau read the minutes of the last meeting. Bernette Roach gave the treasurer’s report and Lois Downing reported on correspondence.
Father Raymond gave an update on the freezer to be purchased.
Cruz-Cruz was thanked for putting on the enchilada meal and congratulated her for helping the youth group. Mary Armour brought cookbooks for the meeting to purchase from the youth group for $10 apiece.
HCCW will sponsor two students for the upcoming convention in May in Portland.
The diocesan meeting will be held in Waterville April 25. Betty Ann has forms for those wanting to attend.
Our banquet will be held May 27. Members should be prepared to pay for their dinner at the next meeting. It will be $8.95 for chicken or fish.
An inquiry to place the American flag on the altar as in other churches will be looked into by Father Raymond.
Betty Ann introduced Mary Armour to speak on religious education. Her talk consisted of sacrament preparations of the Eucharist and Confirmation. Mary called upon Gabby and Zach to assist in her presentation and third-grade teacher Debbie Guiod. Debbie spoke on answering the call to commit to share her faith. We were asked to pray for the children preparing for First Eucharist and Confirmation.
The seminarian fund was distributed. Betty Ann won the door prize. Father thanked the ladies for all they accomplish and their help in so many ways.
The council will have its next meeting Monday, May 4 at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.