Amity Republican doesn’t reflect Aroostook County views

15 years ago

To the editor:
    I write this letter in response to a recent letter appearing in your newspaper written by Steve Martin of Amity. Mr. Martin serves on the Republican State Committee, as the at large member representing Aroostook County.
    Somehow, Mr. Martin was elected to serve on our committee and based on this fact I will make every effort to allow his opinions to be heard, regardless of how extreme or rabid they may seem. Under our political system, every voice ought to be heard, Mr. Martin will have that opportunity.
    As Maine’s State Republican Party Chairman I felt it important to let your readers know that Mr. Martin does not speak for the Maine Republican Party. Frankly, based on my experience with Aroostook County, his views do not agree with the folks that I know and respect in The County.
    I was privileged to serve in the Maine Senate with Sen. Don Collins and Sen. Margaret Ludwig, Reps. Henry Joy and Dean Clukey. Well respected leaders, legislators who fought hard for Maine’s working people. None of these elected officials, would share many of Mr. Martin’s extreme political views.
    Our Committee exists to promote and elect public officials who share our free-enterprise, limited government, pro-family, pro-worker viewpoint. Our Committee’s goal is to elect Republican politicians because, the Republican political philosophy represents the best opportunity for Maine’s working people.
    We simply believe in the American dream and realize that Maine has moved in the wrong direction over the last 35 years under Democrat one-party government. As Republicans, we believe that we could have a better business climate, without hurting our environment, we could change the fact that Maine is a welfare state. We could change Maine. This is why we exist as a state party.
Charles Webster,  chairman
Maine Republican Party