To the editor:
My name is Benjamin Potvin and I was born and raised in northern Maine. I went to high school in Fort Kent, graduated from the University of Southern Maine, taught for two years in Ashland and now currently teach in Vermont. The reason I share my past is to show that even though I have moved to another state, I will always be a Mainer at heart and proud that I grew up in Aroostook County. That is why it pains me so much to read the news plaguing our state’s battle over gay marriage. I was overjoyed when Gov. Baldacci signed LD 1020, legislation that allowed gay and lesbian couples equal rights and protection under the state’s Constitution. I was equally as saddened when I learned of the People’s Veto that has already started collecting signatures.
While many of you have already made up your mind on this difficult topic, I urge you to think about this question before you sign the petition: What are you trying to stop and how will gay/lesbian marriage diminish yours?
St. John Plantation and
Woodstock, Vt.