Library receives memorial donations

15 years ago

    HOULTON — The following memorial donations were received by the Cary Library during the months of October, November and December, 2009.
    In memory of Evelyn Blake: Aroostook Retired Educators Association.
    In memory of Jean (Tracy) Brown: Carol Howe; Julia Craigs; Robert and Ellen Askren.
    In memory of Barry W. Clark: John Dunn and Family; Michael and Karen Fitzpatrick; and Wanda and Tiffany Cumming.
    In memory of Connie: The Battered Women’s Project.
    In memory of Kathleen Coy: Hatfield Realty Service Inc.
    In memory of Sharon B. Delong: Harold and Marilyn Adams; Luther and G. Kathleen Grass; and Robert and Judith Britton.
    In memory of Michael A. Duff: Phyllis Ritchie; and Richard, Shawn and Alan Snell and Robert Frame.
    In memory of Philip Howe: Frank Dunn; John Dunn and Family; Margaret and Leland Ludwig; and Virginia Ludwig McLaughlin.
    In memory of Filipa M. Infante: Bob and June Horton.
    In memory of Mattie Barrett Jacobson: Carole Wilson, Laureen Bither, Janene Moran and families; Chris, Martha and Ali Bell; John and Nancy Lincoln; John Dunn; Mark and Jane Stile; Mike and Norma London; and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Beaupre.
    In memory of Alice Knauff: The Sussman Family.
    In memory of Taylor Wilson Lynds: Grammie and Grampy Wilson; and Rob and Janene Moran.
    In memory of Dorene MacIlroy: Barbara Spellman; Constance Holling; Dot and Bruce Burnham; Frances Grant; Gerard York; Greta Melvin; Jim and Lois Ward; Julia Craigs; Kenneth and Sandra Tidd Marceau; L.E. and Pauline Hand; Linda and Joseph Fitzpatrick; M. Patricia Fitzpatrick; Margaret Graham; Mary Jane and Cecil Beaupre; Mrs. Francis M. Pierce; Patty Varney Quinn, John and Nancy Fitzpatrick; Peter and Donna Tidd; and Robert and Judi Britton.
    In memory of Faye and Clayton McCue: Mark and Jane Stile.
    In memory of Faye Miller McCue: Harold and Aimee Flewelling and family.
    In memory of Sandra Herrick McDowell: Victoria M. McCain.
    In memory of Donald and Mary McGillicuddy: McGillicuddy family.
    In memory of Mary McGillicuddy: Jerry and Katherine London; Michael and Karen Fitzpatrick; and Wanda Wilson Cumming.
    In memory of Lois M. McPartland: Edward and Nadine Williams; and the Sussman family.
    In memory of Carlene A. McQuarrie: Merle and Peggy Botting and Family; and Rockabema Lodge No. 78 IOOF.
    In memory of Irene (Rene) Morgan: Bob and Pat Matthews.
    In memory of Robert “Bob” Rush: Margaret and Gary Hagan.
    In memory of Mildred Rutledge Siewert: Mark and Jane Stile.
    In memory of Dale Stewart: Ed and Jane Fitzpatrick.
    In memory of Maxine S. Williamson: Houlton Fire Dept. Ladies Aux.
    In memory of Waldo “Pert” H. Wilson: Janene and Robert Moran; Mark and Jane Stile; and Stephen and Bernadette Farrar.