Community Notebook

15 years ago

by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its first meeting of the year 2010 on January 8.
    Seventeen ladies attended; three of these were KOPS. We said the TOPS and KOPS pledges, starting with Joanne Scott. Loser of the week was Janice Shaw with runner-up Linda Bartlett. The skinny dish was taken home by Linda Bartlett.
Janette Nelson gave a treasurer’s report. She read a Dear Abby letter from the Bangor Daily News about pledging a new goal for the year starting with today.
Barbara Whited also read a letter about New Years. Reports were given by Joanne Scott and Lois Downing. Charlotte Marley, in charge of contests, gave a report on the Christmas Tree contest. She distributed certificates of participation to those who were in the contest and revealed that Aileen Smith won for the TOPS ladies and Lois Downing won for KOPS.
Charlotte said she would have a new contest ready for the first of February. Denise Kinney compiled resumes for the chapter and the ladies acknowledged what a lot of work it entailed and thanked Denise for her efforts.
Joyce Estey, leader, had charge of the program, taken from a TOPS magazine and the topic was stress. We were advised that all of us were under stress, if we know it or not. Joyce told everyone to keep a journal on stress and write down the things that make us stressful every day. Then reflect and have an attitude of gratitude. We should also use our talents and be thankful for everything, not matter how little.
Denise read some winners for 2009: Janice Shaw, Linda Bartlett, Gerry McAfee, Brenda Lacostic and Joanne Scott. They were given a hand of applause. A discussion was held on ordering new booklets for weekly recording. To end the program, Barbara Troy led us with some breathing exercises.
The next meeting is Jan. 15 at the same location. Weigh-in is at 8-8:45 a.m. every Friday, with the meeting starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 10 a.m. or an hour later.
If you have any questions, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. Everyone is welcome.

Happy Losers gather

On Jan. 6, The Happy Losers held its weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Jackie Pratt, our leader opened our meeting with our pledge and roll call.
We had 11 ladies weigh-in and nine attended our meeting. Dotty Rand was the person who lost the most weight for the week, and Jackie Pratt was runner-up. Great job ladies.
We received a thank you note from the Food Pantry. Our secretary and treasurer gave reports.
Our program for the week was an article on Weight Loss Hormones and Zinc. Meeting was interesting as always. Please feel welcome to our group every Wed. 8 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more information. See you there!

Sherman Seniors meet

On Wednesday, Jan. 6 of the Happy New Year of 2010, the Senior Citizens Club of Sherman met for pot luck lunch at the town gym and had a fun time playing Beano afterward.
The sun made its appearance after several snow stormy days and nights and cold temperatures. ‘Tis wintertime in this northern location. Time to take to the trails on appropriate conveyances which have been built for their purposes for recreation.
Present were nine of the old faithfuls: Annie and Fred Atkinson, Dean and Frances McKenney, Sandra Qualey, Bonita Staples, Esther Greenier, Eva Perry, Linniea Perry, Donna Grass, and newcomer Gerald Cummings.
Our next meeting will be on Jan. 20 at 11:30 – pot luck. Come and wile away the winter days with us, who are good cooks and very compatible!

Ricker Rumblings

by Lois Downing
Happy New Year everyone! May your year be spent with family and friends with love, peace and joy. The winter is upon us. Snowing now and will for a while, so the prediction.
What do we call the new year? Twenty ten or two thousand and ten? That is something that has been discussed.
I spent Christmas in Bangor with my daughter, Kathryn Hall. We spent Christmas Eve with my great nephew and his family, Aaron and Betsey Shaw and Christmas with my niece, Susanne, and her husband Joe DeGrasse. It was a lovely week.
Dot Campbell has made her appearance at Ricker last week. She is spending some time here and some time at her daughter’s. It was good to see Dot, and she told me how blessed she is and a lot of good things since and during her recovery of her accident.
We had a nice Christmas party at Ricker Plaza, hosting was Charlene and her husband Brian. We all had shrimp, cheese, crackers, eggnog, tea, coffee, punch, and then seafood chowder, which was delicious plus salads, beans, rolls, and chicken. We had an exchange of gifts and were entertained by Paul Armstrong and some of his friends. We all received gift certificates and it was a fun time. Thank you to all for making this possible.
Isabelle Fitzpatrick of Highland Avenue is a patient at a Bangor hospital at the time of this writing. Her sisters, Ruth McGillicuddy and Rita Benn are both residents at Madigan Estates.
Ron Brownlow, husband of Priscilla of our second floor, is a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital, as of Saturday, Jan. 2.
It was with deep concern that I learned of Rev. Coleman O’Toole’s health problem. He is a victim of Lou Gehrig’s disease and has resigned as pastor of St. Margaret in Old Orchard Beach. I have an address for him in Portland if you care to send him a card. Fr. O’Toole was pastor here at St. Mary of the Visitation Church for many years. Many will remember him.
Jeff Thibodeau is a frequent worker in the office. He will be around for some time. The Healthy Living course taught in the community room is going well. Those attending like it.
I’ll end this with Bible passage: “Therefore I say unto you, when things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” (Mark 11:24) Have a good and safe week.

Patten Seniors convene

Patten Senior Citizens met at Meadowbrook Manor on Jan. 5, 2010 with 11 members attending.
The Lord’s Prayer was recited in unison before the potluck meal.
The business meeting was opened by President Jackie Palmer, who also led the flag salute.
Secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
A reading was given by Joyce Harvey.
Happy 90th birthday was sung to Nettie Shorey, who also received a shower of cards and everyone enjoyed cake and ice cream.
The Game was played.    Pizza will be the menu for the Jan. 17 meeting and Maxine Brackett will make the birthday cake.
Those present were Marge Heath, Marilyn Somers, Maxine Brackett, Jean Tarr, Pearl Grant, Gloria Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Mary Lawler and Annette Noyes.