Smoki-Haulers gather
Twenty-two members of Oakfield Senior Citizens met at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club on Jan. 6 for their first meeting of the new year.
The business meeting was called to order by President Bob Locke. It was decided to have another auction at the next meeting on Jan. 20 with Jeanne Clements as Auctioneer. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Kathleen Boutilier.
Attending were: Tessie Barrett, Joyce Manship, Kathleen Boutilier, Donna Furrow, Bernice Campbell, Roger Ethier, Wannetta Townsend, Shirley Smith, Arlene Friel, Peggy Sanders, Marie Gillotti, Sandra Holmes, Delores Locke, Larry Sanders, Mary Lawler, Charlotte Marley, Ursula Levesque, Bob Locke, Wendell Holmes, Jeanne Clements, Don Marley and Pete Peters.
After our potluck luncheon Bob Locke entertained with his karaoke music.
Oakfield Senior Citizens look forward to another active year, meeting the first and third Wednesday of each month. If you would like more information, please call Peggy Sanders, 757-8483.
by Lois Downing
Things are quiet around here. The weather keeps some of us at home. A storm is predicted for tomorrow. We’ll see. Some days very cold, others not but aren’t we blessed as we see the torments and the pain on television of the Haitian people. What a tragedy.
Kevin Siton of Connecticut visited Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brownlow recently. Ronald has been in the hospital but is out now and is doing nicely.
On the sick list this week is Ken Thibodeau and Carolyn Carmichael. Get better, friends. We miss you.
I’m listing the names of the children who performed for us in the community room during the Christmas season. They were accompanied by teachers Beth Ludwig, Jane Stile, and Peggy Martin. The children singing Christmas carols were: Kayla Shrout, Trynity Plummer, Tayler Cole, Carolyn Hannigan, Kianna Folsom, Carey Suitter, Kody McConic, Gabriella Moreno, Mariah O’Nealt, Sakima Lee, Samantha Montrose, Harmony Tompkins and Thomas Boyce. They are students at Southside School. Thank you very much for entertaining us. We were given delicious cookies to take home at the end of the program. That was very nice.
We had a sumptous meal last Monday, Martin Luther King Day, in the community room. There was a great variety of food and Brian’s beef soup was so good. For dessert we had pumpkin cake, several kinds of pies. Thank you to the tenants and staff who brought all the food, and those who prepared and helped at the meal.
Here are some tips for cancer prevention: Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight; be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day; avoid sugary drinks; limit consumption of energy-dense foods in added sugar or low in fiber or high in fat; eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes such as beans; limit consumption of red meats, such as beef, pork and lamb and avoid processed meats; if consumed at all, limit alcoholic drinks to two for men and one for women a day; limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with salt (sodium; don’t use supplements to protect against cancer.
The following is taken from one of my Pen Pal’s Delights: What is charity? It is silence—when your words would hurt; it is patience—when your neighbor is curt; it is deafness—when scandal flows; it is thoughtfulness—for others woes; it is courage—when misfortune fails.
Hello to Marion Hogan in the nursing home whom I’m told had a fall and broke an ankle. How are you, Marion and Florence Hanson, too? We miss you ladies.
My thought for the day is taken from Proverbs 22:6: “Teach a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Have a good week.
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233, of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Jan. 22 meeting. Nineteen ladies were in attendance, three were KOPS. Roll call was given, and the meeting was called to order by group leader Joyce Estey.
Reports were given by Joanne Scott, weight recorder and Lois Downing, secretary. Losers of the week were Barbara Troy and Betty Ivey and runner-up Aileen Smith.
Several of the ladies walked around the meeting room before the meeting began. After the meeting we had 10 minutes of exercises led by Barbara Troy.
Joyce wanted us to exercise before the meeting and we voted to do that starting with the next meeting. Charlotte Marley stated that she would begin another contest in February, to be ended the middle of March. We will also repeat the Circle of Hope before our pledges.
The program given by Joyce was on setting goals; it was taken from the January TOPS magazine. Her tips were to don’t shop if hungry; make a move to speed your activity; feel your stress. Also create smart goals; be specific, explicit and attainable in your goals. You may replace a cookie with fruit and give yourself 3-4 months to reach your goal; it is realistic.
The next meeting will be Friday, Jan. 29. Weigh-in is at 8-8:45 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9 a.m. and usually ending an hour later. If you wish more information about the chapter, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley, 757-8483.Everyone is welcome.