Pat’s Automotive ‘vintage’ at 50

15 years ago
By Barbara Scott

Staff Writer

    “My father had very little education but he made this business a success,” said Wayne Belanger, speaking of his father Patrick Belanger, original proprietor of Pat’s Sunoco. “He worked every day, all day into the evening, he was amazing — he did everything.”

ImageAroostook Republican/Barb Scott
    Pat’s Automotive Center in Caribou is celebrating 50 years of continued vehicle service and repair. Patrick Belanger established the business in 1960, retiring in 1985 when he turned the business over to his son Wayne who continues to operate the  family business with his wife Mary Lee and their son Scott, who is a Master ASE certified vehicle technician. From left are: Scott, Wayne and Mary Lee Belanger.

    Locally owned and operated for more than 50 years, Pat’s Automotive Center attributes its success to the three generations who have committed themselves to continuous, reliable service to area vehicle owners.
    The parcel of land at 669 Main Street was purchased in the early 1940s by Patrick Belanger and his partner Alban Thibodeau. The Sunoco Service Station primarily sold gasoline and offered minor vehicle repairs including tire changes, mufflers and oil changes.
    In 1960 Belanger became the sole proprietor of the business and focused on providing his customers with the best service possible. Belanger worked at his business from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Monday through Sunday, while trying to help his wife, Mona, raise their two sons.
    Belanger taught his sons some of the minor tasks at the beginning, guiding them through the more difficult jobs, always enforcing how important it was to, “take good care of the customer and give it your best.” Eventually Belanger found himself relying on his son Wayne, who was married and raising two children of his own. Pat’s Sunoco became a recognized establishment with a customer base that grew quickly requiring more mechanics.
    Wayne Belanger introduced his own son Scott to be business at the age of 12, letting him work and  encouraged him to watch in the automotive service shop. It was soon apparent that Scott was a natural, learning a great deal as he shadowed his grandfather and father throughout their workday.    
    Patrick Belanger retired in 1985, turning the business over to his son and grandson. Wayne’s wife Mary Lee found herself learning the bookkeeping and finance end of the business.
    Currently celebrating the 50th anniversary, Pat’s Automotive Center, continues to be successful under the watchful eye of the second and third generations. The Belangers stated, “Every customer that comes through Pat’s Automotive with a question or problem is taken very seriously and is assured that we will take every avenue to remedy or resolve their automotive problem. We are still committed and dedicated to our customers.”
    Recalling his early days of pumping gas, Wayne Belanger said, “I can remember when we were giving saving stamps with every gas purchase. We walked to pump the gas, took the money, walked back inside to get change and get their stamps and take them back out to the car. We covered a lot of territory and of course there were those long, cold winters.”
    Speaking of long, cold winters, Belanger said, “One winter, we had a  brutal month of 30 degrees below zero weather — all we did during that time was go out first thing in the morning with a list of service calls, trying to boost our customers’ vehicles. Mary Lee manned the phones all day. We didn’t have cell phones so I was calling in on the CB to see where else I had to go.”
    Today at Pat’s Automotive Center, the Belangers are committed to the latest technology of the 21st century and their ASE technicians promise their customers 100 percent satisfaction or guarantee of money back.
    Scott Belanger, the third generation, is now a master ASE certified technician.
    Wayne and Mary Lee Belanger both said, “We are an established facility and come highly recommended by all our automotive peers in the surrounding communities.”
    The successful team at Pat’s Automotive Center today includes, Wayne, Mary Lee and Scott Belanger, Matt Gagnon and Ryan Madore.