A hero’s visit

15 years ago

A hero’s visit

By Cole Staples

Grade 6
Presque Isle Middle School

    I was excited when our sixth-grade class in social studies got to talk to Sgt. Brian McQuade. He came and showed us a slideshow of what is happening in Iraq. After he showed us the clips we got to ask him questions. 

    He came to P.I.M.S. because in social studies, Mrs. Kelley sends many boxes of things, which we bring in, that the soldiers will need. We also send them letters to stay in contact and informed. We also enjoy getting letters back from the soldiers.
    At the end of the presentation, Sgt. Brian McQuade presented our sixth-grade class with an award from the military commander. He also gave us a flag that few over a U.S. military base in Operation Iraqi Freedom. We are very proud of what we did. We did acts of kindness we hope that other people will follow in our footsteps.


Staff photo/Scott Mitchell Johnson

    SPECIAL PRESENTATION – Sgt. Brian “BJ” McQuade of Mars Hill, who was home on leave from Iraq in February, presents Peggy Kelley, a sixth-grade social studies teacher at Presque Isle Middle School, with an American flag that was flown over Camp Taji in the combat zone as a way of thanking her and her students for their patriotism.



Staff photo/Scott Mitchell Johnson

    FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS, sixth-graders in Peggy Kelley’s social studies classes at Presque Isle Middle School have written letters and sent care packages to soldiers involved in Operation Iraqi Freedom. One of those soldiers, Sgt. Brian “BJ” McQuade of Mars Hill visited the students Feb. 11 while home on leave. Following his presentation, McQuade wanted to thank each student personally for their support. Here, McQuade shakes hands with, from left: Matteah Michaud and Kerrigan LeBlanc.