Grade 8
Limestone Community School
This month I read a book called “Charmed and Dangerous”. The author of this book is Lisi Harrison and she has also written the other part of the Clique series. I think that this book is realistic fiction, because it involves some situations that can happen in everyday life. In my book, there are several different characters in the story. The protagonist of my story is everyone except Massie. Massie is the antagonist, because she has a charm bracelet that breaks and the pieces go in different places. When the other girls are walking around, they find these charms that go to Massie’s bracelet. At the end, all the girls meet up to find these charms and Massie gets them. After this, they discovered the start of a new friendship. Besides Massie there is Alicia, who is a dancer who is performing at the Merri-Lee Marvil TV show that night. Then there’s Kristen, who tries to get into the party but eventually gets kicked out. There is Dylan, whose mother is Merri-Lee Marvil. She is at the party and getting filmed by the crew. Lastly, there is Claire, who won a contest that night to hang out with these two famous boys. At the end of the New Years she would also get a kiss, but that got ruined cause her parents saw her on TV before it was over with. From there they took her home, and embarrassed her on live television.
The setting of this book takes place at Merri-Lee Marvil’s New Year’s Party. The time of this party started at dark, and didn’t end till a little bit after midnight. It happens behind stage where the dance girls are practicing before they go on to perform in front of a live audience. It also takes place on the stage where Merri-Lee introduces her girls to the world, and where she does all of her talking between the entertainments of the night. This story takes place in the past time, because this book goes back to the time when all of the girls met together in fourth grade.
First in the story, all of the girls were in different places. Alicia was getting ready for her dance recital, Kristen was babysitting, Claire was with her friends, Massie was getting ready for the party and so was Dylan. After all of the girls get ready for the party, something bad happens to each of them. Dylan’s pants are too small, Claire’s mother took her from her date, Massie lost all of her charms on her charm bracelet, Alicia passes out on stage, and Kristen gets kicked out of the party. Then the girls meet up, Massie tells Dylan that her pants are too small, Dylan also finds a charm. Kristen talks to Massie’s ex-best friends and Alicia also finds a charm. All of the girls realize how much they have in common except for Claire who they didn’t even know existed. So eventually they all decided to be best friends and for Massie to transfer to OCD with the other girls. It was also so Massie could express her feelings through personal fashion.
The main conflict in this story is that this is New Year’s Eve, and it was supposed to be one of the greatest nights of the year. Instead it was one of the worst for all of the girls. That night everything and anything went wrong for each of them. Alicia passed out on stage, Claire got taken from her date, Kristen got kicked out of the party, Dylan’s pants ripped and Massie’s charm bracelet broke and so did her friendship with the AnnahBees. I think that the girls solved their problems the right way, because after all of the drama, they all became best friends forever. The outcome of the problem actually turned out to be a great night. New Years equals new friends, and that sure happened for Massie. She was lucky to find these new friends. Otherwise she would’ve been stuck with the controlling AnnahBees whom nobody wanted to be with.
There are many things we can learn from this story such as sometimes it takes the worst to bring out the best. After all, every girl had to go through bad to get to good, and the good part was meeting each other. I think that the characters learned that they are all good friends to be, and that they were all destined to be with each other. Also that without going through all the bad things that happened that night, they never would’ve met each other. I know this, because after all of this, they decided to be best friends. They also mad a pact to have Saturday night sleepovers every week.
I thought that this book was a good book that was full of drama and many problems. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good book full of drama, and also a book that is full of friendship, because that is what matters most of all. I have read many books this school year. I have read most of the Clique Series which this book is a part of. All of the books relate to each other, because what happens in one book leads to the other. They are all about friendship, drama and a lot of these books have to deal with how much money you have. Without all of their money, they would never have been able to buy all of their designer clothes that makes them so popular.