With tax filing deadlines just around the corner, Reps. Bernard Ayotte (R-Caswell) and Peter Edgecomb (R-Caribou)) remind their constituents that there is free assistance available to help prepare their Maine and federal income tax filings. The American Association of Retired Persons and a coalition of groups called CA$H Maine have united to establish tax assistance sites throughout the state. Every year many Mainers do not realize they qualify for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Approximately 25 percent of eligible residents do not apply for the EITC, leaving unclaimed a tax credit that could total up to $5,657 for each eligible household. Tax preparation services can help you file for the EITC and other tax credits that may be available.
In order to participate, individuals must have their tax statements from all income received in 2009 as well as Social Security cards for each person to be claimed on their return. Persons should then dial 211 (toll-free) to find the closest tax site and call that site for an appointment.
Individuals may find the site closest to them by going to the CA$H Maine Web site at http://www.cashmaine.org. summaries of Maine tax benefits, lists of local resources in the area, can be found at this site as well as information about other programs the CA$H Maine coalition offers.