
15 years ago
ImageBy Keri Pelletier
Grade 10
Solid Rock Academy

    Have you ever wanted to do something, but never dared to do it? Or have you ever had an idea, but never said it? My name is Keri Pelletier and I go to Solid Rock Academy. Most of my life, I’ve lived in a shell. I had great potential, but I let my insecurities take charge.     Perseverance is an act or quality of sticking to a purpose or aim; never giving up what you have set out to do. I say, we should all take a stand. Do what you believe in, who cares what others think. Why go living life not giving it your all. Though school, I’ve been bullied. People have always seen me as just “Keri,” but I’m not just Keri. I have let so many people walk over me and see only the outside, when really its what’s on the inside that counts.
    I don’t know what you believe in, or who you are, but I believe that God is good. God has given me the power to do all. A couple years ago, my relationship with God wasn’t very strong, but after falling on my knees and being covered by the blood of the lamb, I realized that God can strengthen. When I’m scared or worried about a school play or an issue at home, I pray. Many times, I’ve let fear stop me and take over my perseverance. From now on, I’m going to give life my all.
    Just the other day, I felt God telling me to write a testimony, but like always, that fear of getting up and speaking the Word of God and being in front of my school stopped me. It was that night that I realized I’m not going to stumble over this bump in the road. I’m going to get up and do it, who cares if someone else doesn’t like it. So the next day, I gave it to Brother Powell. He was so happy to see me stand up for what I believe in. So, sometime soon I am going to speak and I know God will help me do good.
    A few months ago, I never would have done that. Forget that, I wouldn’t of even have thought of it. Perseverance. Stand up for what you believe in. Don’t let the fear of taking a stand stop you. After all, we only have one life to live.