Caribou Civil Air Patrol Cadets attend training in Bangor

14 years ago

    Four cadets from the Caribou-based 33rd Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) attended weapons simulator training at the 101st Security Squadron at the Bangor National Guard Base on May 1. Classroom training included basic weapons safety training for a multitude of weapons, including one hour spent using the Weapons Training Simulator to Enact various scenarios.


Contributed photo
    At left, participating in recent Civil Air Patrol training included, from left, Capt. David Barbosa, Cadet Airman Caleb Gordon, Cadet Sr. Airman Trevior Oplinus, Cadet Airman Dylan Berkoski and Cadet Commander 2nd Lt Levi Swan.

    Attending the training were 33rd Composite Squadron Commander Capt. David Barbosa, Cadet Airman Caleb Gordon, Cadet Sr. Airman Trevior Oplinus, Cadet Airman Dylan Berkoski and Cadet Commander 2nd Lt Levi Swan.
    CAP, the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, is a non-profit organization with 58,000 members nation-wide. In its Air Force Auxiliary role, CAP performs 90 percent of continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force rescue Coordination Center  and is credited with saving 72 lives in fiscal year 2009.
    CAP volunteers also perform Homeland security, disaster relief and counter-drug missions at the request of federal, state and local agencies. Volunteers also play a leading role in aerospace education and serve as mentors to more than 23,000 young people currently participating in CAP cadet programs. CAP has been performing missions for America for 68 years.