Community Notebook

15 years ago

Take Off Pounds Sensibly #ME 0233
by Lois Downing

Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on May 21 for its weekly meeting. Twenty-two ladies attended and five were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). The skinny dish was held over. Brenda Lacostic was loser of the week. Then six of the members left for Bangor to attend State Recognition weekend.
The chapter met again on Friday, May 28 for another meeting. Eighteen attended and five were KOPS, Lois Downing, Charlotte Marley, Betty Ivey, Donna Parent and Barbara Grant. The loser of the week was Denise with Janette Nelson and Dale Holden were runners-up.
The skinny dish was held over for another week. We recited the Circle of Hope before the meeting. Marlene Boutilier was a guest for the day. Leader Joyce Estey read a letter from our representative Janice Cote about future meetings. A workshop will be June 12 at the First Baptist Church. The meeting will honor treasurers; a paper was distributed by Charlotte Marley for each to put their notation about our treasurer, Janette Nelson. Janette led in five minutes of exercises.
Joyce, Barbara Grant, Charlotte Marley and Brenda Lacostic all had comments about the coming event, the workshop our chapter will host. Joyce and Denise Kinney spoke about SRD and related that Gerry McAfee ranked 19th out of 20 in the top losers and Brenda came in 14th.
Some of the ladies stayed to help with workshop decorations. If you need more information about the chapter you may contact Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483. The next meeting is June 5 at the same location. The weigh-in time is 8-8:45 a.m.; the meeting starts at 9 a.m.and usually ends at 10 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides

On May 26, the Happy Losers met at the Congreational Church vestry for their weekly meeting. Our leader opened our meeting with our pledge and roll call. We had eleven ladies weigh-in and eight attended our class. Jeanne Watson was the person who lost the most weight for the week. Jackie Pratt was runner-up. Great job ladies!
Reports were given by our secretary and treasuer for the week. Dotty Rand led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article called Slimming With Water. Meeting was great and always interesting and informative. The contest is still going on and the Cherry Blossoms are ahead so far.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday from 8-8:45 a.m. for weigh-ins and the meeting starts at 9 a.m. Call 365-4884 for more info.