Community Notebook

15 years ago

Oakfield Seniors
A total of 19 members and one guest met at the Oakfield Snowmobile Club on July 7 for their first meeting of July. Don Marley said the blessing. After lunch the business meeting was held. The secretary’s and the treasurer’s reports were read and accepted.
Don’t forget our auction will be held on July 21st our next meeting. RSVP will be having a food sale at the bandstand on July 17 — the day of rail fan. Dinner on rail fan day will be held at the community center.
Janice Roy won the 50-50. Our special guest was Doris Sherman. She sang some old songs and some hymns. Thank you Doris for the songs and answering questions. If there is anyone who has some old clothes the older the better it would be very much appreciated. It is for the Merrill parade in August, so we need some white wigs, thank you.
Attending were Tessie Barrett, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Doreen and Joe Messina, Arlene Friel, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Sandra and Wandalol Holmes, Ursula Levesque, Charlotte and Don Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Gini Garette, Janice Roy, Geneva Bell, Linda Bartlette and Kathern Boutlier.
For more information, call Peggy Sanders at 757-8634.

Island Falls Alumni
The Island Falls Alumni reunion and banquet will be Aug. 7 at the Island Falls Municipal building at 6 p.m., catered by the Big Valley Sno-Club. Please notify secretary Rebecca Drew by Wednesday, Aug. 4 with the names and numbers of reservations. Call 463-2372.
Many friends and family members recently attended a memorial service for Ena (Noyes) Phipps at the Methodist church in Smyrna Mills, where Ena grew up. She and her husband and family spent several weeks every summer at their cottage on Pleasant Pond where they had many friends and also enjoyed boating, fishing and swimming with them all.
During this heat wave, I have really enjoyed the daily swim at Vacationland Estates along with friend Doris Pankratz, who has a cottage on the pond, and John White, who lives in Smyrna and exercises every day in the pool. Haven’t seen much wild life lately except for the fat brown woodchuck who was on my lawn a few days ago. The cat who stays in my barn is still around looking for his daily handout, although some days I think he goes home as I wont see him for a few days and then he returns. Must like the goodies I give him.

Sherman Senior Citizens
The Senior Citizens Club of Sherman enjoyed an outing by driving to Lincoln, sharing carloads with friends, to eat lunch at the Timberlake Restaurant.
We all agreed that everything was superb in every way and we were happy that we chose to go there. Our regular meeting place was closed for maintenance, at the Sherman gym.
Fred and Annie went to the rest home to bring Mary Dickinson to join us, which was a special treat. She looked wonderful.
A bake sale will be held at the bandstand in Sherman on July 17.
We shall meet at Halls’ Cottage on Wednesday, the 21st of July. Bring a bag lunch and, if you need directions to their cottage on Perry Pond, call Annie. Summer comes and goes all too rapidly. Do not miss these outing explorations.
Present at Timberlake were: Mary Lawler, Mary Dickinson, Bonita Staples, Teresa Albert, June Gagnon, Eva Perry, Donna Grass, Linniea Perry, and Fred and Annie Atkinson.

Happy Losers
On July 7, the Happy Losers held its weekly meeting at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls. Our leader, opened our meeting with our pledge and roll call. We had 10 ladies weigh-in and nine attended our class.
Our secretary and treasurer gave reports for the week. Mary Shaw was the person who lost the most weight for the week and Winnie Desmond was runner-up. Great job ladies!
Jackie Pratt, our leader led the program for the week. Her topic was on an article on Five Foods to prevent cancer, like tomatoes, berries, salmon, coffee and soy. Meetings are informative and interesting. We always end our meeting with Riva’s joke.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wednesday at 8 to 8:45 a.m. weigh-ins and meeting starts at 9 a.m.

TOPS ME 0233, Houlton
By Lois Downing
    Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233, met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its July 9 meeting.
Joyce Estey, leader, conducted the meeting. Elinor Harvey was the official greeter.
Twenty members were weighed; 19 stayed for the meeting. Four were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
We all recited the Circle of Hope before our pledges.
Loser of the week was Barbara Grant; runner-up was Elinor Harvey.
Barbara Grant led us in a few minutes of exercises.
The skinny dish was won by Joyce Estey.
Barbara Hogan distributed papers to be filled out and returned, pertaining to a new contest.
Joyce read a letter from one of our representatives. Its contents were how to get back members once they have dropped out.
One member read some facts on “hugs.”
The program was given by Joyce, taken from the most recent TOPS magazine, called “Emotional Freedom.” Emotion is energy in motion. We learned how to recognize emotions and what triggers it. Some of the members read about part of the process.
The next meeting will be July 16 at the same time and place.
The meeting starts at 9 a.m. after weigh-in at 8 – 8:45 a.m. every Friday.
If you need more information, you can call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Everyone is welcome.