Legion to host Summer Picnic
CARIBOU — The American Legion Post 15 will be holding their Summer Picnic and Part at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 7 at Diane Chamberland’s home on Plante Road. American Legion Members and their respective guests are welcome, but picnic organizers request that children not attend.
The picnic will have all the elements characteristic of a good time, including a live DJ, hot dogs, games, a bon fire. Participants are asked to brink a dish to share and a chair, and to be ready to have a good time.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting Second Vice Commander Tommy Tomlinson at 551-1863.
A rain date has been set for Aug. 20.
Class of ‘71 to meet
NEW SWEDEN — There will be a Class of 1971 reunion planning meeting on Monday, Aug. 16 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Debbie Blanchette located at 29 Station Road in New Sweden. Additional information can be obtained by calling Devvie at 896-5874 or Cindy at 498-2175.
Moody, Crowley at Caldwell’s tomorrow
LIMESTONE — Caldwell’s Auto LLC and Caldwell’s Sanitation will be hosting gubernatorial independent candidate Shawn Moody and Survivor winner Bob Crowley at their grand opening celebration on Thursday, Aug. 5 from 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.
A barbecue lunch will be served as part of the celebration festivities that will take place at the new Caldwell’s Auto building at 72 Long Road
Kennel Club hosts Fun Match
PRESQUE ISLE — On Saturday, Aug. 14, the Central Aroostook Kennel Club is hosting an AKC sanctioned Fun Match and More at Riverside Park.
This Fun Match can be a wonderful place for the first-time dog enthusiast to participate in, or just come to watch and get a firsthand look at what rally, obedience and the breed competitions consist of.
For more information on the Fun Match, visit www.theCAKC.com or e-mail tydavent@yahoo.com.
Sjoberg named to RIT dean’s list
WASHBURN — Jeremiah Sjoberg, of Washburn, has been named to the Dean’s List for three quarters at Rochester, NY, Institute of Technology. A first-year student in the RIT School of Photographic Arts and Sciences, Jeremiah is studying Digital Photography/Advertising.
Jeremiah is the son of Craig and Betty Sjoberg. He is a 2009 graduate of Washburn District High School.
UNE releases dean’s list
BIDDEFORD — The University of New England, with campuses in Biddeford and Portland, released its dean’s list for spring semester of 2010.
Students from the local area making the list were Jarryd Rossignol of Caribou, Lauren Lavoie and Courtney Minzy, of Fort Kent, Chelsea Martin and Chelsea Toussaint, of Madawaska, Danielle Cropley of Mars Hill, Briana White of Presque Isle and Troy Wilcox of Washburn.
Winklmann promoted
AUGUSTA — Major General John W. Libby, The Adjutant General, Maine National Guard, has announced the promotion Kristofer Winklmann, of Washburn, 1136 Transportation Company; to PFC.
Recent births announced at Cary Medical Center
The following births have been announced at Cary Medical Center:
KING — A boy, Camden Alexander King, born June 17, 2010, to Erica L. Doody and Bradley King of Fort Fairfield.
FRAZIER — A girl, Harmony Ann-Marie Frazier, born June 26, 2010, to Chelsea Bouchard and William Frazier of Limestone.
BROWN — A boy, Aiden Christopher Brown, born July 6, 2010 to Ashley Hanson and Chris Brown of Fort Kent.
DOW — A boy, Bryson Lee Dow, born July 8, 2010, to Tiara Fletcher and Adam Dow of Caribou.
ROSE — A boy, Liam Philip Rose, born July 8, 2010, to Heather and Philip Rose of Caribou.
SUTHERLAND — A boy, Landon James Sutherland, born July 8, 2010, to Jessica Wasson and Jesse Sutherland of Limestone.
PARKS — A boy, Timber John Parks, born July 9, 2010 to Deena Albert Parks and Barrett Parks of Woodland.
BELL — A boy, Kooper James Bell, born July 9, 2010, to Shannon and Joshua Bell of Caribou.
PELOTTE — A girl, Lydia Rose Pelotte, born July 15, 2010, to Ashley Lynn Pelotte of Westfield.
SOLOMON — A girl, Avery Kathryn Solomon, born July 16, 2010, to Nicole and Joe Solomon of New Sweden.
PARENT — A girl, Maizlyn Skye Parent, born July 19, 2010, to Mecca Picard and Scott Parent of Van Buren.