Robert Kenneth White

14 years ago

Robert Kenneth White


    WHITE, Robert Kenneth, 59, Augusta, July 11, 2010. Arrangements are in the care of Knowlton-Hewins-Roberts Funeral Home, Augusta.


Earthly Journey – March 6, 1951 to July 11, 2010

    Son & best friend of Kenneth Robert White; husband & soulmate of Pamela Peters White    ; father, mentor & devoted friend of Wendy White Hall & James Robert White; father-in-law of David Hall and Sheila Ouellette White; grandpa, papa, teacher & playmate to his three diamonds-in-the-rough Adam Joshua Hall, Luke Kenneth White and Matthew James White
    Also a brother, uncle, nephew, cousin & friend to others left behind.  Special thanks to Aunt Elizabeth St. Peter Watson for fervently praying for “Bobby” throughout his life;  God heard your prayers, protected him through his growing years & trained him through His Spirit!  All one had to do was look at the pages of his Bible to see the amount of time that he spent studying God's Word in preparation of seeking God's face…
    Bob was a humble man.  He farmed side-by-side with his father most of his life.  He worked daily at being the best father he could be and treasured the extended family given to him through his two children.  He left strong lessons behind that life was too short and important to waste on idle family drama; he taught us that if people would not listen to God's directives and do as written, plant the seed and go on to someone who will.
    In 1991, when he accepted Christ as his Savior and was forgiven for all of his mistakes, misjudgments and sins of his past he believed that the Lord grasped him from the Baptismal waters to prepare him for a new walk in life.  He believed that he was a continuous work in progress right up until that night in July he was taken home to be with his Lord & Earthly Dad.  In his journey he did much for many but never wanted recognition from any.  He would do random acts of kindness behind the scenes & tell pastors to tell the recipients to simply give God the glory for any blessings bestowed.  Clearly Bob walked his talk.
    Bob reached out to many churches & religious organizations over the years, most of his time since 2000 was spent in Aroostook and Somerset Counties in outreach ministries.  He was ordained January 25, 2005 as an independent Christian Clergy by Reverend McElroy, St. Augustine, Florida.  Brother Bob had no desire to pastor a church, although he had several opportunities.  He knew his calling was to speak with church leaders in regard to the falling away of the modern day church from Bible-based directives given to the church.  His heart ached every day for lost souls that were misdirected in needing to have a personal relationship with Christ or those who heard & made a choice not to come to Christ to seek change in their lives.
    Although Bob met many people in his travels, he felt particularly blessed to befriend “county” Pastor Bob McCarthy, from Woodland and beyond.  He truly enjoyed his mentor-ship.
    Bob was blessed in his last hours on this earth.  He had a caring medical team from Maine General who honored his end of life wishes.  He was aware of what was happening & was able to respond to his family with a visible God-given peace.  He needed no meds for comfort.  He chose to be surrounded by those closest to him and each was blessed with the opportunity to share the affect that his chosen walk in life made upon each of their lives.  He was saddened in leaving his loved ones but his desire to be with the Lord was evident.  For months prior, every night before closing his Bible he would softly say, “If I take my last breath tonight will I have done enough to hear Jesus say, “well done my good & faithful servant”.  Oh, what does the future hold for us if a devoted follower of Christ questions this…  A song close to Bob's heart was “I Can Only Imagine” by Mercy Me, Bob is now living it, praise the Lord!
    We as family would like to honor his walk with God remembering the words from Ray Boltz, “Thank you for Giving to the Lord”.  Please make an effort to look up the words to these songs and take them to heart, he would be pleased if you would.  You will be blessed!
    Bob's soulmate of 39 years would be pleased to receive correspondence from anyone who was touched by Bob's friendship or ministry; send to Mrs. Pam White, 14 Sewall Street, Augusta, ME 04330.