From our Files: Headlines from 100 years of local news.

14 years ago

Compiled by Karen Donato
100 Years Ago-Sept. 28, 1910
Aroostook Times

    Monticello — A buckboard of twelve ladies drove to Woodstock last Thursday to attend the exhibition.
    East Hodgdon — Mr. Edward Henderson has purchased a new cream separator from the agent, Will Quigley of North Bancroft.
ImageAroostook Times File Photo September 1910
BOSTON SHOE STORE RHYME — Oh, “the frost is on the pumpkin, and the fodder’s in the shock,” And we’re bound for the “Boston Shoe Store,” in the handsome Frisbie Block. Where the goods they sell at retail are the best in the State of Maine. And customers well satisfied come over and over again. So, we’re  off to the “Boston Shoe Store,” in the handsome Frisbie Block. There the goods are new and the price is right, and they keep the cleanest stock. Where they sell the Converse Rubbers made for beauty, use and wear. And where folk are always welcome, “Boston Shoe Store,” Market Square.”  Anonymous

    A success — The basket social held at the home of Mr. Edward Henderson last Wednesday evening was a success in every sense of the word. The ladies netted $50. The money will be used to purchase a new stove for the church.
    Houlton — Starkey & Co. installed a new Royal combination meat chopper, sausage machine and bone grinder in their store this week. It is a neat machine using electric current for power.
75 Years Ago-Sept. 26, 1935
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Airplane crash — Pilot E.H. Hutchinson, T.E. Weeks and C.B. Gilman, all of Waterville were unhurt when their plane came down in a forced landing soon after 6 o’clock Monday night in a recently dug potato field west of South Street. The pilot, unable to locate the airport was forced to descend because of darkness. The wheels buried themselves in the soft earth, causing the plane to tip over on its nose. The landing gear was considerably damaged and the propeller bent by the impact. The ship was easily righted, but due to the extent of the damages it was deemed advisable to dismantle it and return it to Waterville by truck.
    Social — A number of Houlton friends were entertained at the Ellis Farm in Dyer Brook with supper followed by a social evening complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ellis, owners of the Ellis farm. Following supper, about 38 guests being present, all joined in singing old time songs, Clayton Currie presiding at the piano.
50 Years Ago- Sept. 29, 1960
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Republican Rally — A great deal of damage would have resulted to the Maine potato industry if Gov. John Reed’s opponent’s bill to patent new potato varieties had been passed by Congress in the recent session. Gov. Reed made this statement Monday night during the first G.O.P. rally of 1960 held in Houlton’s Market Square where he, Cong. Clifford G. McIntire and Sen. Margaret Chase Smith were present to meet an audience of 1,000.
    New instructors — Ricker College and Ricker Classical Institute announced the names of six more additions to their staff making a total of 14 new faculty members at the two rapidly growing schools. Two of the instructors are Houlton natives. Thomas Bither will be teaching business law in both the college and in the institute. He is the son of Roy Bither who this fall enters his 35th year on the Ricker teaching staff. George Pennington will be teaching business administration courses in the college. He is the son of Mrs. Frances Pennington and the late George Pennington.
    New manager — The Ward Cabin Company announced the appointment of Mrs. E.M. Fontaine as manager becoming effective October 19. Mrs. Fontaine replaces Harry Graves who has recently resigned his position.
25 Years Ago-Sept. 25, 1985
Houlton Pioneer Times

    Choosing costumes — Auditions will be conducted for the cast and chorus of the Christmas musical, “Amahl and the Night Visitors.” Bob Bahr, director of the play; Harry Roper, director of the Fredericton Chamber Orchestra; and Sam Arnold of Woodstock, organizer of the orchestra; are extremely excited about this major cultural and international production, which they are working on together.
    Yankee Air Force — A task force from the Yankee Air Force arrived recently in Houlton to inspect and begin work on the restoration of this C-47 transport of World War II vintage. The plane has been located at the International Airport in Houlton following seizure in 1980 by United States Customs. It will eventually be placed with a collection of restored World War II transport planes.
    Attends jamboree — Mark Lenentine and Leigh Forbush attended the National Boy Scout Jamboree in Virginia.