Supports natural gas from Canada

14 years ago

To the editor:
    At the one year anniversary of the commissioning of the Repsol Canaport LNG Terminal in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, the New England-Canada Business Council (NECBC) believes it’s important to point out the benefits to New England from this new supply of natural gas.
    Traditionally our region received the majority of its natural gas from the U.S. Gulf Coast. But weather events (e.g. Hurricane Katrina) caused supply disruptions and price volatility. Thus, in recent years, the region has added several new supply points and Canada has been at the forefront. The close proximity of the Canaport LNG facility is a tremendous value for New England’s supply security and for stabilizing prices.
    About one-third of homes in New England are heated by utility natural gas. New England also generates a significant part of its electricity — close to 40 percent — from natural gas. As incentives for residential heating conversions from heating oil to gas continue, and as air pollution regulations become stricter, the demand for natural gas surely will rise. The reliable supply of natural gas delivered by Repsol via the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline is helping our region diversify its natural gas supply mix and avoid potentially trying situations.
    We at the NECBC are grateful to our neighbors and business partners to the North for providing us with access to an important and clean energy supply that is vital to maintaining our quality of life here in New England.
Leonard Gold, president
New England Canada Business Council