Community Notebook

14 years ago

Oakfield seniors gather
About 23 members of the Oakfield senior citizens met at the Smoki Haulers snowmobile club for their second meeting in April .We just made it home in time. It started snowing – we had a few inches. The lunch was great. The club was decorated for Easter by Marie Gillotti and was another good job of  her work.
    We had a lot of birthdays this month and sang to our friends. Ursula Levesque won and the 50-50. The secretary’s treasurer’s report were read and accepted.
Wanetta Townsend had the card report. Don’t forget the next meeting we are going to have an auction so bring whatever you can. We had the flag salute and the Lord’s Prayer. We also had an Easter card from Dureen and Joe Messina, who spend their winters in Florida. She has been laid up with a broken ankle. Linda Bartlette of RSVP told us our banquet will be on May 6. That is always a special time for all the volunteers. The banquet will be held at the Oakfield Community center.
After a short business meeting we left. Attending were Tessie Barrett, Linda Bartlette, David Burpee, Thelma Flowers, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Bernice Campbell, Jeanne Clements, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Sandra and Wendall Holmes, Ursula Levesque, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Charlotte and Don Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Geneva Bell, Donna Furrow, Katherine Boutlier.

Patten Women’s Club
The Patten Women’s Club met Tuesday, April 19 at Rhoda Houtz’ house. She showed the group a slide show of her trip out west. The annual art show at Katahdin High School will be May 5 at 6 p.m. The next meeting will be dinner at the Horn of Plenty.

Patten seniors meet
    Patten Senior Citizens held its regular meeting at Meadowbrook Manor on April 19th with 11 members present
The Lord’s Prayer was said by the members before the Easter dinner. There were a wide variety of salads and veggies, and the ham was cooked by Jackie Palmer. After the meal, the business meeting was opened by President Annette Noyes, who also led the flag salute. Secretary and treasurer reports were read and accepted. Cards were signed and sent to Annie Somers, Cora Savage, Reba Wiggins, Kenny Brackett, Barbara Wheaton and the family of Lottie Peavey.
A reading was given by Maxine Brackett entitled “I Believe.” A reminder was given to the RSVP volunteers about the Recognition Dinner to be held in Oakfield on May 6th. The next meeting will be on May 2. The Game will be played.
Members present:  Annette Noyes, Nettie Shorey, Jackie Palmer, Joyce Harvey, Mary Lawler, Gloria Noyes, Mary Cox, Marge Heath, Marilyn Somers, Rubenia Botting and Maxine Brackett.

Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Hello everyone! Happy Easter and may the joys and spirit of the Easter season be with you all through the year. I’m glad to be back after a bout of sickness.
Aldena (not sure that’s the right spelling) Friel of Biddeford stopped by one day. She was a resident at Ricker Plaza for a few years before she moved to Biddeford to be near her family. She volunteers in the school system and says she loves it. She was visiting one of her friends while in the Houlton area.
Carmen Chasse is home, after being a patient at Houlton Regional Hospital. Carmen had surgery and is doing better. I saw Dean Richardson while at Madigan Estates a few days ago. He looks great and says he is trying to get used to it at Madigan. It was nice to talk to him, a former resident at Ricker.
Charlene Henderson was in Augusta last Wednesday to a business meeting. She gave the residents a nice party on Friday in the community room. They played Bingo and had a nice lunch. It is always good to get together. Snow, rain and cold has been the weather of late. Sunny today and we welcome it.
Leonard and Marcella Michaud of Houlton has been in Kansas visiting family. Before day they were in Mechanic Falls seeing a great-grandchild. Glad you are back, safe and sound. May 8 is approaching soon, Mother’s Day. For those who need to be reminded, please remember your mother, your guardian. Have a wonderful week, keep warm and healthy.

Sherman seniors meet
The Senior Citizens Club of Sherman met at the Sherman gym on Wednesday at noon to celebrate the upcoming holiday of Easter, on our scheduled meeting day. Thanks to Annie for preparing the celebratory meal of ham and veggies. Desserts were brought by the women of the club.
The icy, snowy weather discouraged member’s traveling from out-of-town. We can’t do anything about the weather. You were missed.
Our next meeting will be on May 4.
Present were Fred and Annie Atkinson, Sandra Qualey, Donna Grass, Bonita Staples, Linniea Perry and Frances Gorman.
Prepare for a food sale to be held at the Sherman bandstand on Saturday, May 21.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, April 22 meeting. Sixteen members were present and four were KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
Denise Clark, leader, led the meeting. She gave the weight report and Charlotte Marley read the minutes. Loser of the week was Barbara Grant with Denise Clark as runner-up. It was a good loss for the chapter.
Lois Downing was the winner of the skinny dish.
Charms given by charm lady Melva Folsom were distributed to: Donna Parent, Ardella Bennett, Linda Bartlett, Charlotte Marley, Joyce Estey, Margaret Hagerman, Linda Cassidy, Diane Folsom, Barbara Troy, Betty Ivey, Dale Holden, Janette Nelson, Janice Shaw and Lois Downing.
Barbara Troy led us in several minutes of exercises. Some discussion was held on the theme of our workshop, “Fit as a Fiddle.” Our leader submitted the program. Papers with personal questions were given each member, to be filled out and kept.
The next meeting will be April 29. The weigh-in will be at 8-8:45 with the meeting starting at 9 and ending an hour later. If you have questions, please call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653. See you next week.