To the editor:
Relay for Life is an overnight event held in communities all over the country. At Relay, survivors are celebrated, those who have lost their battle with cancer are remembered and those in attendance choose ways they can fight back against the disease.
I am writing to invite all survivors in Aroostook County to attend this year’s Relay For Life. A survivor is anyone who has heard those devastating words, “you have cancer”.
At Relay we want to celebrate more birthdays with you. The first lap of every Relay is for survivors followed by caregivers joining the track for the second lap. After those all important first laps a survivor reception is held for you and your caregiver/caregivers.
If you are a cancer survivor go to and sign up to walk the Survivor Lap at this year’s Relay For Life on Friday, June 3rd beginning at 6 p.m. in Caribou at the high school track. Hope to see you there.
Julie Tucci, co-chair
Relay for Life