Guest speaker tells others to make a ‘bucket list’

13 years ago

Guest speaker tells others to make a ‘bucket list’

Mr. Wayne Kennard was the guest speaker at the Aug. 18 meeting of the Probus Club of Central Aroostook.

President Karen Sweeney brought the meeting to order and turned the program over to Mel Fitzherbert, program chairman. Mel introduced the group’s guest, Wayne Kennard, who is a retired executive from McCain Foods and several transportation companies. Wayne has traveled extensively but wanted to tell us about his retirement experiences.

Wayne is a firm believer that in our retirement years we should pursue the activities that we always wanted to do but were too busy raising families and earning our livelihood. He said he had always wanted to skydive, ride rollercoasters and hang glide, which he has done. He and his wife are planning a trip to Ireland in December and another to Rome next year. He showed the group a very  exciting film of his adventure of skydiving with him as the “star of the show.” He showed a film of the Cedar Point rollercoaster park in Ohio from its inception to now, with a 205-foot rollercoaster. He said he rode all of the exciting rides and fulfilled his childhood dream.

He encouraged everyone to consider doing now what they have always wanted to do. He talked of making a “bucket list” and to “go for the gusto,” living life for all it has to offer.

Mel presented Wayne with a certificate of appreciation from the club.

Calling the meeting back to order, Karen asked Pearl Carmichael for her entertaining poems. This month’s readings were entitled” You’re No Spring Chicken”  and “Those Were The Days.” These two readings certainly emphasized the theme of Wayne’s talk.

There was no old business. Under new business, Maureen told about The Gathering Place and their offer of free fresh vegetables, available there on Thursdays.

Meta Giggey read an e-mail from Steve Campbell from the New Brunswick Probus Club announcing that the Regional Meeting will be held Oct. 27 at the Moncton Coliseum. He invited members of the Presque Isle Probus Club to attend this meeting.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.