Hodgdon Boy Scout Troop takes canoe expedition

13 years ago

    Boy Scout Troop No. 155 from Hodgdon was treated to a canoe expedition guided by the Maine Wilderness Camp Foundation. 
    The group set out last Friday afternoon after school and headed down the Baskahegan Stream. Mike Farrar and Larry Williams gave the troop instruction on how to maneuver the canoes and off they went.
    “It took some of us longer than others to catch on to the steering, but Mike and Larry were very patient with us,” said Melony Lowery, troop leader. “We moved quickly to get to our first campsite. After we set up camp, Mike and Larry treated us to a nicely cooked supper while the boys fished.  This was a great treat for the boys as they didn’t have to cook on this trip.”
Contributed photograph
sp-boyscoutcamp-dcx-pt-36FALL FUN — Boy Scout Troop No. 155 from Hodgdon was treated to a canoe expedition guided by the Maine Wilderness Camp Foundation. Gathered together on the trip were, from left, front, Jacob Rocheleau and Ethan Redicker; back, Mike Farrar, guide from the Maine Wilderness Camp Foundation; Carey Suitter, Isaiah Dupuis, Larry Williams, guide from the Maine Wilderness Camp Foundation; and Melony Lowery, troop leader.

    On the second day, the guides set the pace a bit slower and the boys were able to enjoy the scenery. 
    “The stops we took for breaks and lunch were absolutely beautiful,” added Lowery. “Mike and Larry shared their enormous knowledge of the area with us. After we arrived at the second night’s campsite, camp was set up and supper served. The boys again displayed their great skill in casting and used their lures wisely. After supper Larry demonstrated his moose call and we all headed to our tents fairly early to the sound of the boys practicing a moose call.”
    The third day brought the threat of hurricane Irene. The day started out with just a little drizzle. Fueled on breakfast sandwiches and homemade chocolate doughnuts, the group headed out. 
    “We were told that there were a few spots with some little class I and class II rapids,” said Lowery. “It was a challenge to get through the rocks in some spots, but you could hear the cheers as we made it through, as well as the moans when the rocks got us. As we got closer to the end, the rain picked up and we were a little damp by the time we made it to the boat dock in Danforth.”
    Scout Troop 155 extends thanks to those who work so hard to make the Maine Wilderness Camp Foundation such a great program for the youth in the local area. Maine Wilderness Camp Foundation sets up trips for adults in order to be able to provide the youth trips. 
    “I would also like to thank Anita for joining us and everyone who worked hard shuttling vehicles and doing the work behind the scenes,” Lowery said. “This program is something not seen in other areas and we are very fortunate to have it here in our backyard.”
    For more information on Maine Wilderness Camp Foundation checkout their website at mainewildernesscampfoundation.org and if a boy between the ages of 11 and 18 from any area schools would like to join Boy Scouts on their adventures this year, call Lowery at 694-0238.