Ralph Conroy, director of the Caribou Technology Center has announced that Thomas Huston, commercial drivers license and large equipment operations and maintenance instructor at the Caribou Technology Center is one of three state finalists for the title of 2012 Maine Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teacher of the Year.

Contributed photo
Thomas Huston, commercial drivers license/large equipment operations and maintenance instructor at the Caribou Technology Center is one of three state finalist for the title of 2012 Maine Career Technical Education Teacher of the Year. CCTC students shown with Huston, from left, in front: Colby Johnson, Jeremy Miller, Jacob Caldwell and Devin Berkoski. In back are Kaleb Corriveau,, Amos Macleod, Dann Cyr and Jacob Beaupre.
The Maine CTE Teacher of the Year ensures that students acquire the high quality technical skills that will prepare them for post-secondary education and entry into an ever-changing workplace. He or she best represents the hundreds of excellent career and technical education instructors in Maine.
Full-time classroom/laboratory teachers in centers that are active members of the Maine Administrators of Career and Technical Education (MACTE) at the time of application are eligible to be nominated by the center’s director. MACTE is the official organization for Maine’s network of 27 CTE schools.
The executive committee and officers of MACTE conducted the selection process. Maine’s 2012 CTE teacher of the year will be announced at the conference scheduled for Oct. 7 at the Somerset Career and Technical Center in Skowhegan.