Sherman Seniors Meet
The Sherman Senior Citizens met on Jan. 18, and had a very nice lunch with nine members present.
The Lord’s prayer and the pledge of allegiance were recited. Donna Grass read us an Old Joke for Old Folks. Get well cards were sent to Vicki Pearce, Lorrie Violette and Mel Gould. Our next meeting will be Feb. 1.
Present were Eva Perry, Donna Grass, Sandra Qualey, Mary Lawler, Esther Greenier, Linniea Perry, Annie Atkinson, Fran Gorman and Bonita Staples.
Oakfield News
Fourteen members of the Oakfield seniors met at the Smokie hollow snow mobile club on Jan. 18 for lunch and a meeting. We had a good lunch with Wannetta Townsend saying the blessing. After lunch and clean up Bob Locke led us in the Lord’s Prayer and the flag salute.
Had a short bussiness meeting with the secretary’s and the treasurer’s report and the card report by Wanetta Townsend. We had a guest Marge Seiler. She read some funny stories and sayings. Thank you Marge we enjoyed them very much. Come again soon.
Attending were Tessie Barrett, Kathleen Boutlier, Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Bob and Delores Locke, Larry and Peggy Sanders, Wannetta Townsend, Geo Barrows, Lottie and Earle Doughty and our special guest Marge Seiler.
Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Another Sunday in January — cold but the recent storm is behind us. Snowmobilers are happy! Lots of shoveling in the driveway here and some ‘’snow angels’’ around us. Thanks, it is such a help.
I heard there is another business starting up downtown. More on this later.
Robin Chambers, who lives next door to me, left for Old Orchard Beach to visit friends. She wasn’t sure how long she would be gone but she had plans all set out for what she was to do in the vicinity.
Christy Hutchinson moved to the second floor. Christy was a tenant here a few years ago so already knows some of the tenants.
Mary Cowperthwaite and her mother were diners at Elm Tree the other day. Mary said to keep writing—which is why this column is in print. Mary recently heard from Cruz-Cruz, a friend who moved to Texas to be with family. Cruz is fine and wishes to be remembered to all who know her.
Lavina Byron went to the third floor a couple days ago to view the sunset. This isn’t the first time she has done this. One can see all around from that distance.
Paul and Jeanie Armstrong were in Oakfield Tuesday night and traveled back to Houlton at 30-35 miles per hour because of the snowstorm. Glad they made it safe and sound.
Brenda Kincade is a patient at the local hospital having been admitted a few days ago. Brenda, get well. We miss you.
Donna Burns, a patient at Madigan Nursing Home facility, made a quick trip to Ricker Plaza on Thursday. Her neighbors were glad to see her. We miss you, Donna.
We were sorry to learn of the death of Clara Bickford. Clara’s boys played Little League when mine did. Clara will be missed by community, friends and family. Rest in peace, my friend.
The Biible verse for this week is taken from Mark 3:14: ‘’He appointed twelve whom he also named apostles.’’ See you next week. Keep warm and take good care.
Island Falls
Mrs. Janette Paradis would again like to send out a huge “thank you” to all of the organizations and individuals who have donated food, money or time to make it possible to keep serving our our needs in the community.
First thanks go to the Island Falls United Baptist Church for opening its doors and finding us a room to move our pantry into. Many thanks to the area churches, area town offices, the USPS of Island Falls, Oakfield and Patten, Island Falls fire and Ambulance Dept., Jerry’s Thriftway, Herbs Thriftway, Patten, Ellis Family Market, Patten, area Boy Scouts, The Happy Losers, Katahdin Club, Katahdin Trust Co, the Summerfest pie auction/race and the horseshoe tournament, who donated their proceeds to the pantry.
Also thanks to all who donated anonymously. It is through all these generous donations that make it possible to serve those in need. For more information contact Paradis at 463-2449 or Anita Lewin at 694-3564.
Have a great slew of birds now at my feeders and the big ones, the blue jays and woodpeckers sure do a job on the peanut butter mixture I put out for them all—leaving the small birds to eat what is left over. The other day spotted a gray squirrel clinging once again to my large hanging feeder with his nose stuck into one of the openings to get all the sunflower seeds he could. Really keeps me active going out in this cold weather to nurture my feathered friends and I am sure they appreciate it as they sing their songs to me when out there—-at least the chickadees do and sometimes the woodpeckers greet me when I go out.
I have still been throwing out bread and apples and still see deer tracks all around the area, but have yet to see them scarfing down their goodies. I’m hoping that when it gets warmer they will be more friendly.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Me-233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Jan. 20, meeting. About 15 members were present including two KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly).
Leader Denise Clark had charge of the meeting. Anna Maria Lopes with her son Brendan were guests. The loser of the week was Janice Shaw.
The skinny dish was won by Bonnie Wotton. Charlotte Marley gave the secretary’s report. She had a new birthday list for approval. Some additions and changes will be made before she delivers a new list.
Janette Nelson gave the treasurer’s report. The Feb. 10 meeting will consist of members bringing a cup or mug for Valentine’s Day to swap. One will be sent to a member who has been unable to attend.
Janette Nelson brought up the fact that when there is no school due to a storm, we will also cancel our meeting. When there is a delay we will be in session. Barbara Troy will start the exercises next week, Jan. 27. The program was cancelled due to the coming storm.
If you need more information about the chapter you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653. TOPS 0233 meets every Friday at 8-8:45 a.m. for weigh-in; no weigh-in after 8:45 a.m. to allow time for the officials to add or subtract their charts. The meeting starts at 9 o’clock and usually ends an hour later.
Come, exercise, socialize and lose weight. You will be glad you did.