Chamber annual dinner March 3

13 years ago

    The Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce will be transforming the Houlton Lodge of Elks into “A Night in New York City” on Saturday, March 3 for their 2012 Annual Dinner and Gala Event.
    “We are celebrating our membership,” said Lynn Parker, interim executive director of the Houlton Chamber. “This event is all about our members.”
    The evening brings the membership together for dining and recognition of the top business and community leaders, as well as a brief business meeting and silent auction.
    “We have an exquisite menu planned and adding to the ambience will be delightful New York music” said Parker.
    An important part of the evening is recognizing individuals and businesses that stood out in the community the last year as “Business of the Year,” “Lifetime Achievement,” “Community Spirit” and “Community Service.”
    “Letters were sent out to our membership for nominations,” explained Parker. “Each individual or business had certain criteria to meet and therefore the membership chose the recipients.”
    The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes an individual(s) for a lifetime of constant community contributions. It’s about the actions, achievements and contributions of the person(s) that evoke admiration and respect throughout the community and beyond.
    Receiving this special acknowledgment is Peter Chase.
    Criteria for Business of the Year Award included business growth and improvement; quality customer service; staying power within the community; overall excellence in the marketplace; community contributions and major achievements within the business field.
    The award will be presented to S.W. Collins.
    Nominations for the Community Spirit Award honors an individual who has shown extraordinary community spirit thought acts of volunteerism or any other manner of contribution to the area.
    The recipient of this honor is Dave Cunha.
    The Community Service Award identifies a group which consistently contributes to the community in any manner that has improved the quality of life to its community members through services or programs.
    Receiving this distinction is McGills Band.
    For businesses who did not receive an invitation and would like to reserve a table, call the Chamber at 532-4216. This spectacular event is for Chamber members only and their invited guests.