Contributed photo
Houlton Lodge BPOE 835 held its installation of officers on April 14. The Elks welcomed Maine Elks State President Elect John Nicholson to the Lodge to install the Houlton officers for Fraternal Year 2012-12. New officers include, front row from left, Scott Shaffer, past exalted ruler 2011-12; Brady Henderson, esteemed lecturing knight; Nicholson, presiding grand exalted ruler for the Installation of Officers; Michael Powers Exalted Ruler Houlton Lodge 2012-13; Russell Fitzpatrick Esteemed Loyal Knight; and Vaughn Webb, Tiller; and back, Mark Ritchie, Inner Guard; James Bledsoe, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Maine Elks North District; Robert Cleary, treasurer; and Joe Bergan, esteemed leading knight.