Legion Auxiliary hosts Senior Dinner

12 years ago

STOCKHOLM — Officials of the American Legion Auxiliary of Post 136, Stockholm, hosted a turkey dinner offered free to local seniors to show their appreciation for their continued support.

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Delivering door prizes to Senior Dinner participants were the junior servers, Shane Furber, Kristyn Maley and Irene Thibodeau.

Junior members of the Auxiliary, as well as some senior members served over 100 people.

Auxiliary President Patti Porter greeted the guests and music was furnished by The Country Lakers band.

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Poppy Queen Cammi King and Morgan Woodrum attended the annual Senior Dinner at the American Legion Post 136.

After the completion of dinner and dessert, door prizes were awarded, including a gift certificate to Anderson’s Store of Stockholm, a gift certificate to Shop and Save of Caribou, a cheesecake from Gwen’s Gourmets of Limestone and many baskets made by, Auxiliary member Merrie Ridgely.

“This is a yearly event, and another successful one,” said American Legion Auxiliary Post 136 Vice President Kathy Robinson.

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Members of the County Lakers band are, from left, Russell St. Pierre, Normal Olmstead, Joyce Akerson and Gene Michaud. The band played at the annual Senior Dinner of the American Legion Auxiliary of Post 136, Stockholm.
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Many hands went into making the Senior Dinner a success, including those of Auxiliary President Patti Porter, right, and Vice President Kathy Robinson, left.