Municipal, SAD 1 seats open

12 years ago

   PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Papers are in and candidates running for office in November’s election have been announced.

Two seats are available for City Council, including one currently held by Richard Engels, who is seeking to retain his position. A second seat held this year by Jessica Chase-Smith is vacant, following the councilor’s decision not to seek re-election.

Also vying for the two Council seats are Donald Gardner, Jacqueline Goodine and Craig Green.

Running alone for warden is Larry Perry. Stacey Robinson is the sole candidate for ward clerk.

The SAD 1 School Board has several vacancies to fill this election season. Candidates, in order by district, include: Terry Sandusky, District 3; Scott Norton, District 7; Luther Bubar, Jr., District 10; Susan Cook, District 13; Susan Goulet, District 14; and John Johnston, District 15.

There is a vacancy in District 4 but no papers were returned for that seat.

For more information on the upcoming election, call City Clerk Bev Labbe at 760-2720.