Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Sunny Sunday! And the foliage is beautiful, especially the Island Falls area and Highland Avenue in Houlton. Fall is the favorite time of year for many people.
The editor is still saving bags, any size or color. Thanks to all who have saved bags for me in the past. If I’m not home, just leave them outside my door or in the mailroom and I’ll get them.
At a recent Ricker Bingo, Diane Richard was the caller in the absence of our regular caller Charlene Henderson. Thanks to Diane, a great cook, who usually brings home-cooked desserts to us on Bingo day.
“Make a Difference Day” is Saturday, Oct. 27. Millions of individuals and families in America will help on that day. Are you doing your best to support Houlton and surrounding areas? All the little things add up and you’ll feel joy in helping others.
Dot Weston celebrated her 100th birthday on Thursday, Sept. 27. Many nieces, nephews and friends stopped by at her room in Houlton Regional Hospital. They had a birthday cake, cards and gifts. Friends from Ricker visiting her on her special day were Connie Barry, Joyce Bryant, Jeannie Hall and Peggy Robinson. Dot felt she was greatly blessed by all remembrances.
Lois Downing visited her daughter Kathryn Hall in Bangor this past week.
If you have an item for the “Ricker Rumblings” and I’m not home, please call 532-2125 and/or leave a note under my door.
My angel quote is by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “And now it is an angel’s song that makes the heavens be mute.”
The Bible reading is taken from Galatians 1:9, “As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let that one be accursed.”
Hopefully, I’ll be back next week.
Island Falls News
The weekly Country Jamboree, held at the Snowmobile club on Route 2 is temporarily on hold due to the illness of its manager, Clinton Roy of Hodgdon. Clinton is home now and is recuperating from surgery and hoping that, before too long, the group will be together again and that the Jamboree will continue.
Mary Loy Pomeroy and daughter, Jane Foster, have recently spent a weekend in Bangor where they had a fine time doing shopping and dining out. I have been in Houlton recently and while there I bought a new red tube bird feeder that hopefully, the squirrels cannot destroy.
Put it out that same night and all went well, the small birds flocked to it. But the second night it didn’t do do well in the morning when I looked out it was gone and one other large feeder was on the ground.
Think this time it was a coon cat that did the damage as a friend, who stopped by, found the red tube feeder way down by my barn with no damage, but without all the seeds that were in it. Brought both feeders in, filled them up and hung them back on the cedar tree. So far, they have stayed there.
I had a woodpecker arrive Sunday. It was the first one of the season at the feeders. I have lots of little birds and they seem very happy with all the seeds the new feeder holds. I went out the other day to start the lawnmower with the leaf catcher attachment on it, and as I backed out of the barn I looked over my shoulder toward my back lawn and there were three deer. When I started toward them they took off with great leaps back into the woods where I am sure they stood and watched me as I gathered up the leaves and put them in my mulch pile. I am hoping that they will return as I have lots of old bread and some apples for them.
Houlton Council of Catholic Women
by Lois Downing
The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met the first day of October in St. Anthony Hall at St. Mary Church.
We said traditional prayers before the meeting led by president Janet Barker.
Reports were read by treasurer Mary Grant and recording secretary Jane Stile. Danielle Kenney will check the books for audit. Bernette Roach assisted with transactions during the rummage sale. Corresponding secretary Lois Downing read a note from Deacon Ron Ouellette.
Janet thanked everyone who helped with the rummage sale thus far. No names were given at the risk of eliminating someone’s name. Alta Reardon will also assist handling money and Yvonne Blake offered to make soup for the workers. The remainder of the meeting was planning for the annual sale.
Lynette Dobbs will provide necessary information concerning the Houlton Council of Catholic Women to the website. The Maine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold their meeting in Norway on Oct. 27. On behalf of the Giving Tree Project, Jane Stile has looked into possible donations from stores.
Prayer intentions were: Father Dave’s dad, Aaron Henderson, Linda Leosacktas, Sally Blake, Gary Blake, Pat McCaulie from MDCCW, L. Sholokus, the military government, Joel and Eileen Voisine, Mary Grant for a safe trip to Italy and all past and present HCCW members.
The door prize was taken home by Betty Ann Childers. Seminarian fund was taken up by Jane Mitchell.
Some of the members remained after the meeting to help with the rummage sale. The next meeting will be Nov. 4. Please watch the church bulletin for details.