Election Day is rapidly approaching and voters are learning more about the candidates and the issues. To help with the process LEADers Encouraging Aroostook Development (LEAD) will be holding a series of candidate forums in the three regions of the County.
“It is a chance for local citizens to meet State Representative candidates running in their region, to learn about the candidate and get their views of how they see themselves shaping the next legislature,” said Jon McLaughlin, president of LEAD.
LEAD members Jason Parent and Virginia Joles will moderate the forums.
“It’s important County residents get answers to the questions that impact them and there is no better way to get those questions answered than by attending one of these forum,” said Joles.
The first forum will be held Monday, Oct. 15, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Houlton High School. Invited to attend are State Representative District 7 candidates, Republican Alexander Willette and Democrat Troy Haines; District 8, Republican Joyce Fitzpatrick and Democrat Michael Jenkins; and District 9, Democrat Patrick Hunt and Republican Ricky Long.
The second forum, held in partnership with the University of Maine Presque Isle, is Monday, Oct. 22, from 6 to 8 p.m. Independent Mark Goughan, Democrat David Martin and Republican Carol McElwee are the candidates for Representative District 4. Also invited are, from District 5, Republican Michael Willette and Democrat Robert Saucier; and District 6, Republican Tyler Clark and Democrat Darrell Adams.
The final forum is set for Monday, Oct. 29 at Madawaska High School from 7 to 9 p.m. Invited are District 1 candidates, Democrat John Martin and Republican Allen Nadeau; District 2, Democrat Charles “Kenneth” Theriault and Republican Jonathan “J.J.” Roy; and District 3, Republican Bernard Ayotte and Democrat Gail Maynard.
The public is invited to attend these forums and participate by asking questions.
If a candidate has not yet received an invitation to a regional forum they are urged to contact LEAD President Jon McLaughlin at sadc@aroostook21.com for more information.
Additionally, LEAD officials are working out details with WOWL-TV Channel 16 at Madawaska High School to videotape two State Senate Debates – one each for Districts 34 and 35 at WOWL Studios at Madawaska High School Monday, Oct. 29. The taped debates would be offered to cable access television stations throughout Aroostook County to air in advance of Election Day.
LEAD is also sponsoring a televised U.S. Senate candidate debate, which will air on WAGM-TV Thursday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. That debate will air live from the WAGM-TV studio and is not open to the public.