Community Notebook

12 years ago

On Thanksgiving Day many people got a look at the ongoing restoration of the red brick garage as many volunteers set up tables with places for 100 and cooked and served a very delicious Thanksgiving Day traditional dinner to the almost 100 who  attended this  affair.
Those in attendance also got a first hand look at all the changes that have taken place in the past two months. Following the supper, many dinners were packed and sent to many unable to be there.
     On Friday, work was started on what will eventually be the kitchen area of the new restaurent — all this being done by many volunteers from all over this area. Owners Peter and Cheryl (Sewall) Connelly, are extremely thankful for all the wonderful help they have had to help in this endeavor.
Mr. and Mrs Clayton Webb have returned home after spending Thanksgiving with their niece and family, Greg and Darlene Kenny and children, Shawna, Matthew and Trey. On Thanksgiving evening Darlene and Shawna ventured out to do a bit of Black Friday shopping and were gone from 11:30 p.m. until 10:30 a.m. Shawna got only a couple of things and Darlene only got a bruised thigh caused by a shopping cart, but they had fun, so they said.
Am really seeing quite a lot of the cardinals lately. I had the female perched on one of the feeders lately and happily eating her fill. They keep a wary eye on the two red squirrels that have been having a heyday lately running up and down my cedar tree looking for all and any sunflower seeds they can find. It surely keeps me busy running out to fill the feeders and keep all my wild life happy.
I have seen a couple of cats around lately and hope they are not strays. One seems to keep an eye on the cedar tree where the birds hangout. The spikehorn deer was in my back lawn the other afternoon grazing away and a nextdoor neighbor had fun watching him with his field glasses. I haven’t seen any does for a while and hope they return.