Houlton Council of Catholic women

Lois Downing, Special to The County
12 years ago

Houlton Council of Catholic Women met Sunday, December 2 in the parish center following the 10:30 a.m. Mass and Eucharist.
President Janet Barker was in attendance with 14 members with Deacon Al Burleigh, Joyce Tomah and Bill Roach as guests. We had traditional prayers with Salute to the cross, Pledge to the Flag and the hymn, ‘’On This Day, O Beautiful Mother.’’
    Deacon Al led us in the blessing before we partook of the delicious soups made by Janet, chicken noodle and others with many desserts. provided by the December committee.
Jane Stile, recording secretary, read the minutes of the November 4 meeting and treasurer Mary Grant gave the financial report. Lois Downing read several thank you notes.
Molly Bailey, chairman of the Christmas Bazaar, reported plans are going well for that project and some vendors had to be turned away. Lynette Dobbs, Bunny Tidd and Joyce Tomah will work on the Council’s table. Jane Stile and Alta Reardon will officiate at the religious table.
The annual Giving Tree is set up at the back of the church with Margaret Casey in charge. Margaret will need help with sorting and delivering items. Gifts do not need to be wrapped, although some may want to wrap. Give Margaret a call if you can help with the Giving Tree. Jane Stile has purchased personal care products with gift cards.
Danielle Kenney will audit the books, a yearly practice.
A Mass will be said for Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Raymond and family, parents of our moderator, Rev. David Raymond. Donations will be given to St. Mary’s library and to our local Cary Library.
Council passed a motion to purchase an advertisement in our church bulletin. Dates for the annual rummage sale were discussed. This is the Year of Faith, an event on the diocesan level may be planned for Columbus weekend or thereabouts.
The Rev. Lawrence Conley, Maine Diocesan moderator, died November 3 and a Mass will be said in his honor sometime soon,
Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized. Fr. Dave won the door prize and the ladies had fun with that. Ending the program Janet read the Legend of the Christmas Rose. Several intentions were gathered and prayed for. The evening ended with the Yankee Swap, Janet was in charge. The next meeting will be January 6, 2013.